I do not believe that is a real account.
Imagine if a woman in government brought their kid into work. I suspect the praise would quickly change to scorn
You mean like the PM of NZ?
Yeah, I do. It’s great when people are understanding and don’t hold double standards, but we have a lot of “Trad family” fetishizers here in the US and they absolutely expect women to keep their motherhood and work lives siloed because their end game is getting women out of the workforce and back to being barefoot and pregnant.
People are complaining about both Elon and Jacinda. You’ll always finding someone complaining, be it political or financial motivation, on other.
how du make shit done
how du girl get preganante
i don’t even know how he managed that, assuming the swedish flag means anything the swenglish version should be “he gets the shit made”
If someone tells you that they love leon skum, then you already know that they are clinically insane and nothing else from their mouth should surprise you.
I don’t care enough to hate him, but I dislike him because:
- He takes credit for the skills of others.
- He pretends to be an expert on topics he clearly knows little about.
- He’s a scumbag fascist.
I love Elon Musk because he shows that an out of control addict can be rich and powerful.
That’s literally half the monarchs in history
Sic semper
You’re allowed to support Ukraine, except a… smaller version of it.
I “love” musk because a smarter billionaire would have kept the corrupt system running on secret. Him being so open about having bought the president and the election might help to finally get shit done about rich people with to much political power (but it might be cope)
Bad faith actors exist, yes.
I hate these “Helps XYZ” descriptions.
In most of these cases it’s just Hot Air and Bullshit
Broke: Get things done.
Woke: Get shit done.
Bespoke: Make the shit done.