Time to update your community on Open Street Map and start using Street Complete so people around you can switch to Open Street Map apps. All it takes is a couple active editors to make a town viable.
Do you guys need any geologists? I’d love to get out of this country.
We have quite a lot of geology.
Just label the US as South/Lesser Canada.
The Gulf of Lesser Canada does have a certain ring to it…
Came here to talk about this as well.
from “Not Evil” to “Prime Evil” in just a couple decades.
They’ve ramped it up in recent years, sure, but I think they been dormantly evil since they came on the scene and we just didn’t realize it until the hooks were in deep.
Perfect strategy for this kinda thing, and now they can just be brazen about it. Kinda like a certain red party in a certain shithole country.
What’s the issue here? Are they not State parks?
What seems most likely to me is that some of these had the State Park category on Google Maps for a long time, and now it’s being noticed. They say the “Provincial Park” category was removed, which implies it used to be an option.
There’s a bit of variation between types of park, even found a provincial park that is labeled both national park and just park, depending on where in the UI you find it.
Images contained in spoiler tag:
Labeling was probably never reliably strictly correct, but removing Provincial Park as a category is a little hostile, considering the timing. (Assuming it used to be an option, and Samantha in the video isn’t entirely mistaken.)
…actually, this is at the bottom of the article:
“If you ever see the extremely rare ‘provincial park’ used as a category, this was imported automatically by Google using the old Google Map Maker categories. They have long since simplified the categories (there used to be many hundreds of obscure categories) and provincial park is no longer an option when adding or editing parks,” she said.
It doesn’t make much sense to remove “Provincial Park” when there are so many specific variations when you go further down to regional, municipal, city, community, etc. parks and they have a bunch of very specific (and often unrelated) park categories. Here are a few that are near me:
- Park
- Ecological Park
- Memorial Park
- City Park (none of which are near a city, run by a city, or even a municipality)
- Hiking Area
- Playground
Stare parks in a country with no states?
Your country is a State
It’s not. Never was, never will.
you misunderstood what they meant.
all countries are states. a state is an entity, some states band together into a federation of some sort. some are unitary, some are not. unitary means the same laws apply in all places, others have regional autonomy.
canada is a state, with subdivisions that it calls provinces america is a state, with subidivisions that it calls states russia is a mafia pretending to be a state, that has oblasts and others
Someone doesn’t know English. Or are you saying that you dont have sovereignty?
You know what you said, we know what your goal is. Let’s not confuse the multiple meanings of the word “state” here.
How are you this ignorant of current events?
But these parks are run by the provinces, not the Canadian government. The only parks in Canada that could be called “state parks” would be those run by Parks Canada.
Fucking chud. Stop being an ignorant pedant.
We don’t have states. They would be provincial, territorial or national.
Do you know the definition of State? The government of Canada is a sovereign State.
Don’t be obtuse.
Seriously, that’s not how that works, and it’s not how Canada has them listed.
Ask yourself “why is Google doing this now?”, “who asked for this change?” and “what does Google gain from this change?”.
They show up as provincial parks for me?
Some of them are listed as state when you bring up their card.
The app is showing provincial and national for me. I’m in NS and have a few around the city and they aren’t mislabeled from what I see.🤷🏻♂️
Either I’m the odd one out or they changed it back.Edit: found one, how have you been reporting this?
Every canadian should switch to Organic Maps for national security purposes.
Does that matter if your os is still Android (like most people are)?
Jesus fucking Christ already!
The orange butt plug and fElon need to keep their fucking hands off Canada.
I mean I knew Americans weren’t great at geography, I didn’t realize it was this bad.
They’re done this globally apparently. They just got rid of the provincial park option and defaults all government operated nature reserves, of any government, as “state parks”.
Seems very shortsighted and with a disregard for other countries. Extremely confusing move by google.
For me, using English (GB) as localization, they appear as national parks. Maybe it’s the term they use for English (US) set phones 🤔 Im located in Finland as well so.
Even the ones in US show up as national for me. Also checked the gulf of mexico, it’s still that for me.
That would make sense if we used English (US), but we use English (CA). Just a brief check of the parks in my area shows all the national parks are labeled “National Park”, the provincial parks are almost all “State Park[s]” with the occasional “Park”, and the regional parks have no consistent or logical pattern but I counted at least 5 different park labels.
Odd, I just looked up a famous national park in the UK and it’s listed as ‘National Park’
Yeah, it’s the regional (sub-National) parks affected.
All the regional parks in my area have completely different labels, it’s just the provincial parks that say “State Park”.
I see, we don’t have such things over here. Thanks for the explanation.
yea, ‘state park’, as in ‘operated by the state’
I can see why they did this, but its really stupid, especially at a time like this. i’ve reported half a dozen parks.
The problem is that for us there is a big difference between municipally run, province-run, and federally run parks. We also have private parks, privately owned but publically accessible parks, and of course, amusement parks.
Yep. Its not technically wrong to call them state parks, but still fuck’em that is our PROVINCIAL park.
Maybe a small cultural hill we are on right now but we give us enough of these hills and suddenly we lose any semblance of cultural uniqueness.
Oh, 100% agree.
I’m just saying I understand WHAT they were trying to do, even if it stepped on a cultural landmine. As I said, Ive reported about a dozen parks now myself.
It is wrong as the state would be national government. So these parks are run by the provinces and not the state of Canada.
half a dozen
Fucking Casual. :-P
I fully expect they’re gonna close my google account based on the amount of work some poor underpaid kid now has to do. I think I got every park in my province - already a herculean feat - and the one next door. It’s a lotta parks. I’m a little crazy.
ooh, hope you did BC too
I keep adding to it, a couple here, a couple there.
There was no reason to do this other than stay out of Trumps retaliation zone. It is wrong to say operated by the state when it is operated by the province.
My theory is that some asshole at google thought it was soo much to keep track of what every government globally calls their government operated parks and nature reserves, and just wanted a blanket term for it and went for “state park”, with no consideration for how itd piss most countries off.
oh, thats 100% what happened.
“should we vary what these are called by country?”
“ehh, that would cost like $10,000 of developer time around the globe, just standardize it”
So where they called provincial parks before?
No its the same as the recent Google move of renaming Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America, it is not easier, it just appeases trumps new mandates. Open Map systems around the world already include terms for Country/State/Province/territory, etc. Its a tag label in a program field.
Pretty sure this change was from November, but it’s an issue now because of the Cheeto
Online articles say people have screenshots from a few days ago as of Provincial and now it says State Park, so even if google did make a back end change before January then the timing is odd for it to be showing changes now.
I doubt it, its the same issue with google changing Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America recently. Its a USA thing, all other mapping systems still have it as Gulf of Mexico because they aren’t bowing to trump and elon. A state and a province are not the same, provinces have less autonomy than a state.
All? Sorry Apple is doing the same.
Sorry I meant all other country/regiinal mapping systems, Non USA
Cultural colonialism
I can’t tell whats more annoying: if they did it out of malice or indifference.
Either way, the cultural homogenizing effects of mass social media is a mistake and must be fought against. Countries that primarily speak English are at the greatest threat of this. If I had a magic genie I’d wish that Canadian’s native language was anything other than English so people’s minds wouldn’t be so easily poisoned by all the dumb bullshit media the US produces. There are genuinely people in Canada who believe they have Second Amendment rights.
I’ve been saying this lately, but Canada as a whole needs to emulate what Quebec is doing to protect its cultural identity. Limit American media coming into the country. Defend and cultivate our unique cultural identity at all costs.
Anyone that says Canada is not distinguished culturally from America is ignorant. I am a dual citizen who has lived in and loved both countries. Just because we are neighbours, mostly white, and speak the same language, does not make us identical. We have a different social fabric. The biggest difference is that America is a extremely individualistic society, and Canadians are a collective society. I’d call us socialist, but that word immediately turns off the listening ears of Americans as they have been programmed since McCarthy to reject socialism in all forms – even though America has dozens of socialist programs such as social security and food stamps. To explain socialist concepts to Americans you have to use synonyms. It’s like feeding a dog a pill covered in fucking peanut butter. Gotta “trick” them to help them because they just don’t understand otherwise. I don’t wanna trick anybody I just wanna help but stupid fucking billionaires got these idiots convinced socialist concepts are gonna destroy the country. Oh no! We made your medications cheaper and allowed you to unionize so you can get better wages and job security! So evil! I swear, if you changed “Union Dues” to “Employment Insurance” they’d be all aboard.
Anyone that says Canada is not distinguished culturally from America is ignorant.
This one struck me particularly delightfully because i’ve been getting into Letterkenny of all things and you very clearly do. Hell i can see that as an aussie,
Should add, that probably sounded incredibly puerile, but most of our english-speaking country media is still dominated by the uk and US (although NZ is making inroads) We don’t get much Canadian stuff down here, the last big one was due south and that was very pastiche.
I love me some Letterkenny. While it is a comedy, it really does an excellent job at highlighting what being Canadian means. I really need to watch the spin off, Shoresy.
If you’re interested in more media that helps you understand what being Canadian is all about, I’d recommend listening to some of the most iconic Canadians musicians of all time: Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, The Tragically Hip, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, and The Band. You’ve almost certainly heard their songs before, but listen to some of their less popular music.
Here’s some specific songs that I am fond of, and feel highlight Common Canadian Sensibilities:
- King Harvest (Has Surely Come) by The Band
- Dance me to the End of Love by Leonard Cohen
- In View by The Tragically Hip
- Bobcaygeon by The Tragically Hip
- Signs by Five Man Electrical Band
- Carefree Highway by Gordon Lightfoot
- If You Could Read My Mind by Gordon Lightfoot
- Illegal by Corbeau
- Universal Soldier by Buffy Sainte-Marie
- Til I Am Myself Again by Blue Rodeo
- (You’re A) Strange Animal by Gowan
- The Rest of My Life by Sloan
- Money City Maniacs by Sloan
- The Consumer by Stompin’ Tom Connors
- Helpless by Neil Young
- Heart of Gold by Neil Young
- Life Is A Highway by Tom Cochrane
- American Psycho by Treble Charger
- Truth Doesn’t Live in a Book by Ben Chaplan
- The Night Pat Murphy Died by Great Big Sea
These showcase a variety of genres and locations within Canada. We are a big country with such a beautiful mixture of experiences that allow for such wonderful music to be produced.
What @GrizzlyBur@lemmy.ca said before me, but also, try out Corner Gas. It’s family safe and also hilarious. It’s been credited with introducing other Canadians to Saskatchewan culture since 2004.
Bullshit. The fact it is happening now is no mistake.
Yep. Trump’s trying to ramp up support for the Canadian Anschluss and there are no more coincidences
No one here is on Trump’s side, so I’m not defending Google, but it is common parlance to refer to the government of a nation as “the state” even when the nation has no states.
They have a separate category for national parks. This is specifically referring to sub-national governments.
Except we had terms prior for google and openmaps to consider actual state vs province because provinces are a different type of designation in a country. I.e. Canada has provinces and territories, and are not fully autonomous like a state. This is google purposely changing a system to suit US use, while other map systems maintain the preestablish parlance.
Cool but provincial parks are not run by the state. National parks are. Try pushing the narrative for Google and trump somewhere else.
But “the state” at issue here would be Canada. A provincial park isn’t a state park since we have national parks too and they’re separate entities.
Man, all these tech giants keep making convenient “mistakes”…
Feels like we’re being politically raped, and it’s really pissing me off.
Yeah, they elected a rapist so…
Ikr?! How do you even begin to make sense of that?! You can’t! And now, here the rest of us are being forced to deal with it. Makes me wanna scream.
Cracking and Packing. Learn and save yourselves, if you can.
I get the very strong sense it’s too late, that we’ve crossed some line or passed some tipping point… really hope I’m wrong.
crossed a ripping point yes. so tactics change. it’s not too late as long as people are still alive. Like painting or sewing – we build on and salvage from mistakes. (see: transitional ethics, from social sciences)
if you feel despair, seek community and feed your soul. Please do not comply in advance, internet friend!
we survived the AIDs crisis by working and organizing by day, potlucking together, and partying and dancing to feed our spirits by night. (figurative, for our night owls and 3rd shifters.)
if you feel despair, seek community and feed your soul. Please do not comply in advance, internet friend!
This right here is lovely, and I know I’m not gonna be the only person scrolling by who needed to read it. ty.
Thanks. I’m not worried for myself in the common sense, and don’t plan on complying… I’m more worried for others and how they’ll cope with what I suspect is coming.
fortunately there is plenty of work to harness worry to usefulness. whatever your skills, I’m sure local chapters of progressive and human rights groups could appreciate the support. even just using whatever privledge you have to shut down racist or sexist jokes and denormalizing exclusive-supremacist comments and behavior helps hold the line.
uh someone link those fight the altright videos ig. the lecture has already been done with cool production.
Please do: loudly and at the local US consulate of possible. If not, if there is a town hall, they need to hear your complaint.