Ah Disney showing their old ways again. They never changed but the mask has. Disney will always be an awful company.
It seems like there’s a few threads going on.
I think pulling the openly trans storyline is bad.
I think having the “openly” Christian character is totally fair and reasonable.
We shouldn’t be in the attitude of pushing out character identities, except whole cloth bigots. I’m not a Christian, but having openly Christian characters is fine with me.
I’ll add a caveat that it could even be a good thing if they actually bring up Christ’s words. You know: caring for the poor, giving shelter to aliens, loving your enemies. I think a lot of Christians would benefit by having the words of Christ more present in their lives.
I think pulling the openly trans storyline is bad.
It would have been cringe and counterproductive
I think having the “openly” Christian character is totally fair and reasonable.
It will be cringe and counterproductive.
Disney isn’t a company capable of creating good art anymore. No matter who they try to pander to, it will be shallow, tired, and insufferable.
Disney isn’t a company capable of creating good art anymore. No matter who they try to pander to, it will be shallow, tired, and insufferable.
Counter point.
I rest my case.
17 years ago
16 years ago
Damn. Didn’t realize they were that old.
It’s okay I’m a millennial too…
If America manages to dig itself out of this current mess, they better not forget how these corporations caved so easily
This country has goldfish memory, it’ll be flushed before the film even leaves theaters.
I find this offensive. Keep religion in private homes and out of public spaces.
A cinema is a private place though.
Right! Why is Disney being so political with this religion!
I don’t feel comfortable with Disney indoctrinating my children with controversial christian beliefs. I would like to choose the time and place where I speak to my children about the problematic christian lifestyle.
Disney will never top their best Christian character, the priest with a boner while officiating the wedding in Little Mermaid.
I still prefer Frollo from hunchback of notre dame.
Disney already had a well-executed openly Christian character, Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He had a whole song about Christianity.
Favorite Disney villain song. What a banger.
Is it a story about escaping the cult, moving to the big city and cutting off contact with your psychotic family??
Oh, not like that? Can’t relate then.
Hallmark is gonna sue so hard.
Finally, the most oppressed class getting representation for the ten millionth time.
Finally, the most oppressed class getting representation for the ten millionth time.
Also, you have to go all the way back to Roman Emperor Diocletian to find a time when Christians were an oppressed class. Since then they have often been the oppressor class.
But sometimes people don’t say merry Christmas! Can you imagine the horror they face yearly?