The Princess Bride
… Sorry. It’s just not good.
damn, coming out swinging with these fighting words
The Talented Mr. Ripley. Awful, truly awful!
Poor Things. I turned it off after~30 minutes.
Pulp Fiction 🤷♀️
I guess I can convince myself by rewatching if it actually is good, but:
Cabin in the Woods.
Tap for spoiler
I understand they were going for meta-horror, but it was so in your face, so mediocre, so shallow.
Scream series is far better meta horror imo.
blade runner 2049. It’s a crap story with crap acting and direction. The visuals are just bad. I have no idea why it’s so liked.
Airplane. Dodgeball.
I am prepared for your animosity.
With you on airplane. I can’t stand Leslie Neilson.
Honest question because I’m curious. Why can’t you stand him?
His “comedy” isn’t funny.
Fair point, was curious if there was a reason beyond what I suspected. I love his comedy, but my opinion of course. Totally okay for you to have your own preference and recognise you don’t find that style funny at all.
My mom was huge fan. I’m 50 now and still can’t stand his acting after watching him a lot as a kid. You can add Chevy Chase to that list too.
Surely you can’t be serious?
Dont call me Shirley!
any of the new MCU movies post-endgame. they were so generic, and it was clear some of the movies ran out of money on cgi or animation.
the irishman
Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is designed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!.. OOhhhH! LaDy!!..HhaHh!.. MAD!!..WoOoHhh!”
I enjoyed it. Great cinematography and practical effects. My wife? Not so much. She broke it down as… “oh look! They drove away! Then the drove back! The end! That was the whole movie!”
Wasn’t there some water at one point? apart from that, fair summary.
I don’t really get the hype for Citizen Kane.
Though, I kinda think it might be because growing up, this movie was spoiled in almost every cartoon I ever saw (“Rosebud” was the punchline of so many jokes) and maybe not knowing the ending would have made it better. 🤷🏻♂️
That right there is the millennial experience.
So many culturally defining movies came out before the 1980s that by the time you’re being raised in the 90’s, they’re making children’s media that references it. I knew the plot of Star Wars long before I saw it.
My favorite example is The Mask of Zorro, which…not an old film, but it came out when I was slightly young for it. A few years go by, I’m in high school, and Shrek comes out. Then it’s sequel, with a swashbuckling orange cat voiced by Antonio Banderas. And then I eventually catch Mask of Zorro, and laugh through the entire thing because holy shit the main character sounds exactly like Puss In Boots.
This thread is crazy, so many hot takes in here!
One of the worst I’ve ever seen is the Korean film ‘Stray Dogs’ (2014). There is so much unnecessary sexual violence towards women in this film and almost none of it has any relevance to the story. It’s not like a rape revenge thing either where the victim eventually comes out on top - in this film the victim is a blind woman who cannot even defend herself with a knife she is given. The supposed protagonist of the film rapes his wife at the beginning and then engages in voyeurism for much of the film while this poor blind woman is raped every single night by the entire town. When he finally decides to do something about it he is absolutely fucking hopeless, as are the townspeople attempting to stop him. It is so misogynistic and poorly written, I have no idea why anyone agreed to be in it. Anyone who enjoyed this film should go on some kind of watch list.
I was trying to think of one and was thinking I haven’t really experienced intensely hating a movie that other people loved. Then I saw someone comment Avatar… that was one of the most overhyped events I’ve ever experienced. I don’t care about the entire Marvel franchise, but I’m sure someone could convince me of their merits. No one’s going to make me see Avatar as anything but rehashing an old story with annoying 3D gimmicky visuals.
Good Lord some of the answers in this thread. I first thought this was like an unpopular opinion community. Is this all just Edge Lords trying to say the most popular and well regarded movies they can?
Yeah it’s pretty funny. Most of these are just “it’s overrated” complaints, which is not the same as a film being iredeemably bad. Feels like a lot of these people just hate being exposed to opinions that differ from their own, so over time these overrated films have morphed into a 1/10 atrocity in their head despite none of their issues with them actually reflecting that level of hatred. You could definitely make a compelling argument for many of these films being good, and the only reason these people wouldn’t be convinced is because of their aforementioned personality flaw.
Event Horizon.
More of a genre than a particular movie, but any and all video game movies that aren’t the 90s shitshow M•rio movie or the 3 live action Sonic films. I’m talking live action because there have clearly been good video games based animated films like… well I can’t think of any right off hand, but they surely exist.
I really liked the newest DnD film. It was fun and got a lot right