And no, the microwave is not a valid option.
First step is to gather sticks under the bushes.
Start a fire using paper, newspaper, cardboard, then add sticks and make a larger fire.
Heat up water until boiling.
Add tea bags to thermos and pour the water inside. Now we have 2 days worth of hot tea.
Optional delicious step: pop popcorn
I’ve a sweet tooth and like a bit of honey in my tea. So, I put a dab of honey in the cup while the kettle goes, then pour the boiling water in, and use one of those little electric milk frothers to stir it up thoroughly. While the water is still spinning, I toss the tea bag in, and throw the lid on the cup to let it steep for however long.
Microwave the water on high for ten minutes, drop the teabag in, and run for my life
Damn, got away on time
Boiling water
Leave a for a couple of minutes
Remove teabag
Add milk
Kids distract me so I never end up drinking it
Teabag first just because the water will take a bit to heat up and I might as well do it while I’m waiting
Doesn’t really matter, as long as you add the sugar while the liquid is hot enough to go into supersaturated solution.
Then chill and add ice.
First water, then teabag, then cup.
You will be deported from Ireland for putting the water in first.
For me:
- Cup.
- Reusable metal tea infuser.
- Loose leaf tea.
- press button on Japanese instant hot water dispenser
- (^this was probably the best $200 I’ve ever spent, fucking worth every dollar).
This depends on the water temperature. I boil mine, so I pour water first, wait a bit, then put the bag. If I do the other way around, sometimes the tea gets burnt and tastes too bitter, which I don’t like.
I could also heat the water to a lower temperature but I don’t have one of those fancy kettles with temp selection, and I usually get distracted to interrupt the kettle before it boils. But, if the water is hot enough already but not just boiled, then I’ll put the bag first, then the water second.
Tea bag first, then freshly boiled hot water.
This is the only answer
This is how you scold the tea
The coffee grounds.
Neither. Tea bags are for chumps. It’s so much tastier to use fresher loose tea leaves of whatever mix you prefer (and you can control how strong you make it, plus you end up with less waste). I just boil the water in the microwave then when it’s hot I take it out and add the tea.
You can buy empty tea bags to fill with loose tea…
A tea bag floats though. It’s better to use the traditional balls or anything else metal that will make the tea sink so it soaks better. Alternatively, there are ceramic teapots that keep the tea leaves below the water level.
unfortunately, i believe the microwave was not an option.
Does it make a difference that the tea is never in the microwave? It’s only the method for heating a single cup of water, not of heating the water+tea set.
Teabag and sugar, then drown it in a scalding stream of boiling water.
They’re designed to deliver the maximum amount of flavour in ~20 seconds.
So: bag first, then just-boiled water. Wait/steep for 20-60 seconds, fish out the bag with a teaspoon and squeeze against the cup, and then milk.
How do you milk your teabag?
Through the nipples.
Squeeze against the wall, milk it hard
With a come here motion with your finger(s)
It truly is such a versatile motion