i totally get what you mean, and of course i would never ever push anyone into it. i just read some kinda dark comments in this thread and i wished that people would be a little more compassionate
i know they don’t deserve it, really - and i totally get how you can think of it as “aiding the enemy” or something.
but i genuinely believe that we can reduce harm just by being a bit more compassionate, a bit more patient, and a bit less aggressive
fascists believe that the world is polarized into “us” and “them”, and they believe that “them” would stop at nothing to destroy them.
just a simple act of compassion can show them that there are choices beyond destruction
I think once you get past a certain point on fascism, you can no longer adapt to material conditions. you can no longer become not-a-fascist. both because of sunk cost/ego investment/identity, but also because of the way they treat the very concept of facts.
no point in treating them like humans after that. they very much are not. they cannot be healed. they cannot be cured. everything they accuse others of, they are-this only applies to fascists, and things like them. I can call you a chainsaw juggling lizard person, and I will gain no new skills.
and are there things that aren’t human, that we should consider treating to at least some degree like people? hypothetical actual-AI, various large mammals, corvids, cephalopods, hypothetical aliens, superorganisms of whatever kind, etc?
if your answer is “because I want it extended to me” fascists will not do that. treating them like people does not forward your goal. disrespecting them might.
if your answer is about some fundamental capacities you respect, my bet is fascists have less of those than the average dog, and extending them any courtesy you would not extend to a dog should not be extended to fascists. not that you should extend them any of the courtesies you would extend to a dog. they are not good boys.
Really? This is where you want to take it? There’s plenty of scholarly discussion about dehumanization (particuarly surrounding WW2 and the events leaading up to it)…
Here is something I found after a quick search (I’m sure there are better examples out there. Hannah Arendt is a good place to start):
This, the authors tell us, is an example of dehumanization. The doctors fail to recognize their shared humanity with the prisoner: they fail to empathize with their victim, which leads them to disregard his suffering, which in turn enables them to treat him in ways they would otherwise have deemed morally abhorrent.
The concept of dehumanization has assumed a prominent place in socialscientific thinking on genocide and mass atrocity. It has been called a “master category” in discussions of mass murder (Goldhagen 2009, 319) and “a chief premise in scholarly accounts of the Holocaust” – the “sine qua non” of such “large- scale evil” (see Vetlesen 2005, 93). Many scholars see dehumanization as a necessary precondition for genocide. Sociologists portray the diminishment of the victims’ human status as a “prerequisite to their destruction” (Alvarez 1997, 168).“ Without dehumanization,” historians argue, “the murderers could not have committed their crimes” (Blatman 2011, 424). The president of Genocide Watch has declared dehumanization one of eight universal “stages of genocide” (Stanton 1998) and psychologists confirm that “no mass atrocities in the contemporary world have occurred without some form of dehumanization” (Kressel 2002, 172).
I was going to copy/paste more before realizing I was just copying the entire page. I highly recommend you just read the thing yourself.
Nothing good ever comes from dehumanizing people.
Regarding your argument about other animals… I just… I don’t even know what to say. We are talking about humans being viewed as less than human. Has nothing to do with treating animals like people (which is also something we shouldn’t do, but for completely unrelated reasons).
okay you’re just arguing in bad faith because I said in another thread that your degree was bullshit. cry more, maybe go rape some of your patients or something, whatever you do to chill.
Do you know how many problems that would solve middle and long-term? Yes, there would be short-term disruptions… a lot of short-term disruptions.
A huge chunk of the problem billionaires would be gone- literally all of the billionaires who own the major media outlets in the US would be gone. The Republican party would cease to exist instantly. There would be a precipitous drop in the number of the belligerently stupid and easily manipulated.
I did not dehumanize them. they did. I’m pissed about it.
every one? I dunno. I don’t value human life very much, so maybe, but im certain a lot of them were just sloppy idiots with zero forethought, I expect not even a majority were to the point they were unrecoverable. every qanon? yes.
I disagree. These are the people who call compassion the “woke mind virus” and they are takers. They live their entire lives taking from others because they think they deserve it. Yet fight against others receiving support and care.
thanks for your comment, i completely understand your perspective, but, you know, they say exactly the same kinda stuff about the people that they hate. it makes me uncomfortable seeing MAGA reflected in their enemies
I don’t care what they say because they’re liars. That’s the difference. There’s objectively no value in meeting liars half way. There’s no value in “hearing them out” and there’s no value in acting as though we just need to empathize harder.
They don’t care if they lie as long as it furthers their goal, they don’t care to hear what anyone else thinks, and they don’t have any interest in empathy. If any of my prior statements were false then we wouldn’t be where we are.
Your attempt to normalize Nazis is fucked up, to be honest. I am not a hateful person, I am done giving hateful people comfort. You should be ashamed for trying to equate the two concepts.
maybe you could approach me with compassion and try to understand, instead of just riding in on a high horse to pass judgment
or don’t, believe what you want. i know i’m right.
doing the right thing is often hard. i’m gonna keep punching nazis, but when i see trump voters having their lives ruined, i’m going to put hatred aside to try to create a better world. you may not agree with me, but i hope my comments moved at least a few people.
We are tired of the hate. The tribalism. At the end of the day us seeing their humanity might help them see ours.
We’ve been doing the hate for the past 8 years and it’s gotten us here.
Empathy will get more converts while anger will further radicalize all of us
i totally get what you mean, and of course i would never ever push anyone into it. i just read some kinda dark comments in this thread and i wished that people would be a little more compassionate
i know they don’t deserve it, really - and i totally get how you can think of it as “aiding the enemy” or something.
but i genuinely believe that we can reduce harm just by being a bit more compassionate, a bit more patient, and a bit less aggressive
fascists believe that the world is polarized into “us” and “them”, and they believe that “them” would stop at nothing to destroy them.
just a simple act of compassion can show them that there are choices beyond destruction
I think once you get past a certain point on fascism, you can no longer adapt to material conditions. you can no longer become not-a-fascist. both because of sunk cost/ego investment/identity, but also because of the way they treat the very concept of facts.
no point in treating them like humans after that. they very much are not. they cannot be healed. they cannot be cured. everything they accuse others of, they are-this only applies to fascists, and things like them. I can call you a chainsaw juggling lizard person, and I will gain no new skills.
edit: yep, just checked. no new skills or scales.
I’m with you other than the part about not treating them like humans.
Bad take.
okay, so, what is a person? why does it matter?
and are there things that aren’t human, that we should consider treating to at least some degree like people? hypothetical actual-AI, various large mammals, corvids, cephalopods, hypothetical aliens, superorganisms of whatever kind, etc?
if your answer is “because I want it extended to me” fascists will not do that. treating them like people does not forward your goal. disrespecting them might.
if your answer is about some fundamental capacities you respect, my bet is fascists have less of those than the average dog, and extending them any courtesy you would not extend to a dog should not be extended to fascists. not that you should extend them any of the courtesies you would extend to a dog. they are not good boys.
Really? This is where you want to take it? There’s plenty of scholarly discussion about dehumanization (particuarly surrounding WW2 and the events leaading up to it)…
Here is something I found after a quick search (I’m sure there are better examples out there. Hannah Arendt is a good place to start):
I was going to copy/paste more before realizing I was just copying the entire page. I highly recommend you just read the thing yourself.
Nothing good ever comes from dehumanizing people.
Regarding your argument about other animals… I just… I don’t even know what to say. We are talking about humans being viewed as less than human. Has nothing to do with treating animals like people (which is also something we shouldn’t do, but for completely unrelated reasons).
okay you’re just arguing in bad faith because I said in another thread that your degree was bullshit. cry more, maybe go rape some of your patients or something, whatever you do to chill.
dehumanizing people is the first step on the road to genocide.
if you could click your fingers and everyone who voted Trump died, regardless of how they now feel about it, would you do it?
I gave this some thought.
Yes, I would do that.
Do you know how many problems that would solve middle and long-term? Yes, there would be short-term disruptions… a lot of short-term disruptions.
A huge chunk of the problem billionaires would be gone- literally all of the billionaires who own the major media outlets in the US would be gone. The Republican party would cease to exist instantly. There would be a precipitous drop in the number of the belligerently stupid and easily manipulated.
I did not dehumanize them. they did. I’m pissed about it.
every one? I dunno. I don’t value human life very much, so maybe, but im certain a lot of them were just sloppy idiots with zero forethought, I expect not even a majority were to the point they were unrecoverable. every qanon? yes.
So they’re not unrecoverable, but we still shouldn’t treat them like humans?
you’re being disingenuous, read what I said.
I disagree. These are the people who call compassion the “woke mind virus” and they are takers. They live their entire lives taking from others because they think they deserve it. Yet fight against others receiving support and care.
Expend energy on people who give back instead.
thanks for your comment, i completely understand your perspective, but, you know, they say exactly the same kinda stuff about the people that they hate. it makes me uncomfortable seeing MAGA reflected in their enemies
something something gaze into the abyss something
I don’t care what they say because they’re liars. That’s the difference. There’s objectively no value in meeting liars half way. There’s no value in “hearing them out” and there’s no value in acting as though we just need to empathize harder.
They don’t care if they lie as long as it furthers their goal, they don’t care to hear what anyone else thinks, and they don’t have any interest in empathy. If any of my prior statements were false then we wouldn’t be where we are.
Your attempt to normalize Nazis is fucked up, to be honest. I am not a hateful person, I am done giving hateful people comfort. You should be ashamed for trying to equate the two concepts.
maybe you could approach me with compassion and try to understand, instead of just riding in on a high horse to pass judgment
or don’t, believe what you want. i know i’m right.
doing the right thing is often hard. i’m gonna keep punching nazis, but when i see trump voters having their lives ruined, i’m going to put hatred aside to try to create a better world. you may not agree with me, but i hope my comments moved at least a few people.
We are tired of the hate. The tribalism. At the end of the day us seeing their humanity might help them see ours. We’ve been doing the hate for the past 8 years and it’s gotten us here.
Empathy will get more converts while anger will further radicalize all of us