Sea urchins being named after hedgehogs, now this. My knowledge about hedgehog related things has greatly improved this week… as for when I can use such knowledge, idk.
I all of the sudden have a great idea for a vaporizer…
We just put them in The Box™
Is this how pokeballs are made?
My question is why they anesthetize hedgehogs. Sick hedgehog? Smack with brick, get new hedgehog. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you like learning things when people don’t find smacking bricks on cute things agreeable?
I’m learning what having no sense of humor looks like.
First the baby wombat thing and now this smh
Free your mans? Do people actually talk like this?
Yes. See post for example
Racism not welcome, please vacate the premises.
Out of pure ignorance: what is racist about that comment? I don’t understand, could you possibly explain it to me so I know better?
What the other guy said. This is definitely a common phrase with AAVE, thus, asking the question, “do people really talk like this”, would imply that the asker is considering the poster to be inferior in some way. The racist piece being that it’s pinpointing a dialect spoken, typically, by a specific race and calling it dumb.
I was sort of being sarcastic but lemmy users are a special sort and definitely can’t read that.
I read it more as ignorant and rude than racist. Like, if I said “all y’all ought to do blah” and was questioned on it, I’d assume the questioner just hadn’t been exposed to folks with that dialect.
Or like how my brother would make fun of people with a Boston accent while he was a tourist in Boston, getting directions from someone with a Boston accent. Ignorant and rude.
Of course, I’m white AF and my primary exposure to AAVE is online, so I might be totally missing subtext/context/supertext. Also my brother is an asshole.
As best as I can tell, and it’s a bit of a stretch, the implication may be at “my mans” stems from AVE, and therefore asking if people talk like that translates to being racist.
I don’t agree with the thought process or conclusion, but that’s the best I got
Oh no, Dr Robotnik captured him.
From the moment Dr Robotnik recognized the weaknesses of his (the hedgehogs) flesh…
He’s hogboxing
“You know this plastic prison of theirs won’t hold me forever. The war is still coming, Charles.”
We smokin hedgehog out of a glass pipe, blowing the lord’s bubbles
We’re smoking that Casino Night Zone chaos emerald, you piece of shit! The za got me jumping on missiles.
We straight gassin, cuttin straight to the hedgehog. Ha ha, this shit ain’t nothin to me man.
Vet med is like this because they don’t really make specialized equipment for every animal. Was on a tour behind the scenes at a zoo and they used a traffic cone to administer anesthesia to a seal.
They don’t make masks for anything besides dogs and cats and making tiny masks and putting them on small animals would be incredibly difficult.
We used a rigged cookie jar in my lab before small animal surgery Haha
making tiny masks and putting them on small animals would be incredibly difficult.
But also incredibly adorable.
Oh no 😯
they creamed thems… Sad
Vet med is like this because they don’t really make specialized equipment for every animal.
… So, if this thing isn’t a dedicated small animal anesthetiser, what am I looking at?
They are vet masks. They are generic and come on different sizes. The largest one can fit several small animals. The smallest ones are for cats and tiny dogs. I think the largest one they make are for horses and cattle. But they have special fittings for straps. This ones are rubber ring ended so they are easier to use to makeshift a tiny gas chamber.
A small animal anethetiser which can fit a variety of small animals, not just one :)
they used a traffic cone to administer anesthesia to a seal
But enough about my bachelor party!
making tiny masks and putting them on small animals would be incredibly difficult.
But also extremely cute. #WorthIt
All good until You accidentally push the “smoothie” button.
Reminds me of the old internet days: dust. Don’t breathe this.
now I’ve got the will it blend theme in my head
“Mommy, why is my smoothie all red and pointy?”
We’re using exotic fruit.
I wouldn’t call cactus fruit particularly exotic.
I typed this and then remembered that there are people who don’t live in a desert.
As someone who doesn’t live in a desert. How do you process these, without having to deal with needles in your hands for the next few days?
They do this for a lot of small animals. My vet has a little cage with an adjustable top you can push down to reduce the volume, that they use for small animals
That’s pretty terrifying. You can see the somewhat muted apprehension on his face mixed with a hope that he will be out of it soon.
Of course, I’m putting human emotions onto an animal, but that’s just because I can easily see myself in such a situation where I’m politely asked to step into a room and face a wall for a brief moment…
Just in case, anesthesia != euthanasia
Yea my brain definitely forgot what anesthetize meant for like 3-4 seconds when I first opened the picture and it made me sad… Then I was like wait no that’s different. Then I was like but yea you could probably use this for the other thing too. Then I remembered the video youtube recommended to me about some guy that built his own gas chamber for cats out of a cooler and got sad again.
what the hell happend here?
Oh god! I genuinely did make that mistake. I was wondering why this morbid piece was being treated so lightly haha
I experienced your descent into madness. I think I might need some coffee
Animals experience the same emotions as we do.
It’s just their understanding of the situation that might be lacking.
My second paragraph was mostly just to excuse myself from mapping human emotions onto animal facial expressions.
He genuinely might be having the time of his life but we can’t read him properly.