Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called for Democrats to elect “brawlers” who fight for the working class to counter GOP power and oppose policies endorsed by figures like Elon Musk.
Speaking alongside Sen. Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas, she criticized Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for not filibustering a GOP spending bill and labeled the decision a “tremendous mistake.”
Ocasio-Cortez urged voters to support candidates willing to take bold stances.
She continues her “Fighting Oligarchy” tour with Sanders across Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona.
Until they’re willing to take off the gloves and directly and publicly attack corrupt Democrats, this is just noise. I’m done voting for Democrats. We need a new party.
Some people under 50 yo would be good, do we have age distrubution data for the dem party?
Where was this brawler when genocide joe was genociding?
Yes. Go primary Chuck out of office and make somebody with a fucking spine the minority leader.
The Dems don’t just need “brawlers” but they also need people willing to get dirty. If you know pro wrestling, Eddie Guerrero at one time had a gimmick that included the slogan “I lie, I cheat, I steal” that is the mindset democratic operatives have to get into and party members have to at least accept, if they want any chance of beating the GOP.
The Dems don’t seem to understand that there is no bottom for how low the GOP will go, and that means they are going to have to get dirty and do and say things that will haunt them, but it will be for the good of the entire country and if they truly care about democracy and this country they will fall on that sword and dive head first into that mud pit.
*Sorry for the run on’s and ranting… ADHD stream of consciousness.
Personally, I think the problem the Democrats have is that they’ve become corrupt. Becoming more corrupt isn’t going to help them.
They rationalise taking bribes from corporations as “fund raising” and say that it’s the only way to win elections. Well you know who wins elections without lobbying? Bernie and AOC. Both run through publicly funded campaigns., and this is why they can represent the needs of the people and not corporations and billionaires.
All very true, it would probably take a lot of new blood coming in who would be willing to not only fight dirty but also rely on public small dollar donations.
Reject the corporate bribery, build a true grass roots machine, and ultimately reject and actively fight against the current party leadership.
And DNC says it’s time to just be turtles.
Please let dnc finally clean house
Turtles is too kind. It’s more like fainting goats
Never will. We need a new party, not a new democrat
No, we need to take over the Democratic party. If you realistically want to actually win as opposed to grandstand.
And how do you propose we wrest control of the Democratic Party from its corporate overlords and put the power in the hands of the working class?
Seems about as farfetched as a new party imo, but I’d love to hear a realistic plan.
Having leftists actually JOIN the Democratic and work to promote their own vision would be a huge start. I’ve noticed a crisis online where very leftist or progressive people are constantly talking about “those Dems” and what “they’re” doing.
We start by making the conversation about “us” and not “them”. Take some personal responsibility. It astounds me that leftists et al are so butthurt about the lack of their preferred ideology within Democratic ranks when hardly anybody with said ideology are making themselves known within Democratic ranks.
We do what MAGA did. Co-opt existing party infrastructure around a populist, progressive leadership and message.
Trump managed to do something similar to the GOP while being a gibbering idiot and saying the evil shit his base of deplorables wanted to hear. So I dunno, maybe say the shit the working class wants to hear?
this photo makes it look like there’s a comic book effect emphasizing her pointing.
We need to elect communists and socialists from 1910 you know the ones world governments were so goddamn scared of they started multiple wars to try to eradicate the ideal as a whole. Didn’t work but they certainly tried anyway.
There’s a saying that “you can’t shoot an idea.”
New party from scratch would be easier than turning this ugly ship around.
[Narrator: “Indeed, it was not.”]
Get actual brawlers. Let them punch the lights out of the competition.
Why don’t we just call a new party the free beers during football party and just snatch up all these idiots real quick to win. We win then we give some free beers out the first game then blame the right for making it illegal because they think beer is socialist so no one can have any for free to keep winning. Over and over. Meanwhile we get some healthcare and college.
You don’t have to thank me for my genius steal it and claim it was yours to begin with. You’re welcome.
This is such a great idea that I came up. Thank you, me. 😃
Elect me to the House or Congress and I will personally throw fists at any GOP aligned member around me.
My SO and I have joked that while I could never win a local election, if I ran, I might just be able to get within punching range of our shitty representative.
I’d toss in $20 for your campaign, and I don’t even know where you live.
Just try to livestream the smackdown, ok?
Been saying this for decades now and one of the myriad of reasons I don’t donate or volunteer for Democrats in decades now.
Either this or we seriously need to consider making anew 3rd party.
The Dems don’t have to reinvent themselves, and they don’t have to lie, cheat, steal, commit treason, and be pedophiles to beat the MAGANazis, they just have to play HARD BALL, and make the MAGANazis fight for every single inch of ground.
Yes, exactly this! This is all we ask for have a backbone, have a voice, and stand up.
Many people, especially MAGA Nazis have been misreadinng the latest polls that show dissatisfaction with the Democrats. They think that just because we’re pissed at Democrats, we must be supporting MAGAs, and nothing could be further from the truth.
The real answer is that people are pissed at Democrats for decades of being weak, spineless weenies, to the point where the worst possible version of the Republican party, the MAGA Nazis, were finally able to take over our country. But just because people are angry at Dems, doesnt mean they have accepted MAGA Nazism. They just want the Dems to finally grow spines and giant brass balls and FIGHT BACK!
But let the MAGA morons believe they are attracting the Dems to their side. I am seeing signs that some Dems are acting stronger, others will follow, and soon the polls will start rising, and then MAGAWorld will start to panic. Thats when they may get squirelly and really start trouble.
Stay Alert, America needs more Lerts.
Agreed 100%
I get a chuckle with how in the US, physical violence is used as a metaphor for nearly everything