He dropped like a thousand of them. He was using it regularly until sometime in the 2010s.
Eminem is weird cause he leans left but will use any word— save for n word and now f— as long as it rhymes or fits the scheme, then does nearly nothing else offensive. It’s like words are exempt from his morality.
Eminem has a song where he casually drops an F bomb.
He dropped like a thousand of them. He was using it regularly until sometime in the 2010s.
Eminem is weird cause he leans left but will use any word— save for n word and now f— as long as it rhymes or fits the scheme, then does nearly nothing else offensive. It’s like words are exempt from his morality.
the marshall mathers lp alone has like 4 tracks where he does
And yet his first major song endorses gay marriage.
As does Tyler, The Creator, a decade later.
Can gay men not use that word?
In context, it’s an insult.
Policing a gay man on this is odd
Boney ass is an insult too, but you can say that.
I’m not going to explain to you why that’s different than a slur. Suffice it to say, shut the fuck up.