Smoking sections
As long as the law is properly enforced. It’s worse to have smokers just all over the place
The Ozone hole.
Also acid rain. Two massive environmental Ws that aren’t celebrated enough.
Smoking everywhere and anywhere. Younger folks have no idea how ubiquitous it was, not to sound boomerish, but everything smelled so bad, and people would smoke in places that would shock you now, like in hospitals they would smoke in the nurses station, if you walked into a clothing store at the mall they’d be smoking at the counter, etc. Even when they did things like making that glass room for smokers at Tim Hortons, I once saw a woman sitting in there with her toddler in a stroller puffing away. It was actually amazing that anyone put a stop to public smoking because so many people did it.
CDs and DVDs and (video)casettes. Took up so much room, annoying to use while travelling.
We could always bring back the 8 Track Tape!
Quality was also very low. Nostalgia blurred our memories, watching/listening that stuff today is wild.
CDs still sound better than streaming.
DVD and VHS, absolutely they look like trash now.
Oh definitely.
I was thinking VHS and cassettes
Cassettes can sound great if ya got Type III metal tapes. Lots of cheap tapes were Type I, which don’t sound nearly as good.
VHS tho nah, as nostalgic as I am for it, it’s just a bad option today lol
CDs are great though :( I love that I can rip them and back them up, play them wherever I go, no licences or streaming. :)
So you don’t actually love CDs but the fact you can not use them after buying them. You can still buy non DRM music you don’t have to subscribe and you could rip or copy streamed music if it wasn’t easier to pirate it.
CDs by the way also are subject to licenses and DRM has started to appear on them. The reason they did not try as hard as with DVDs and Blurays is that Music is trivial to copy, people have been ok with taping from the radio after all. If video on physical media was still a thing you would have plenty of DRM, they’d probably make you buy a newer player after 5 years or so.
I love that they play in my car, don’t take up a tonne of space, have liner notes, and occupy physical space. I stick them on in the house as much as my LPs, and like picking out what to play.
I’m okay with being in the minority, but the sentimental value of where I was when I picked an album, where I’ve listened to it, and who I was with means a great deal to me. :) I download too, but usually things just sit on my drive and don’t get listened to.
You present a good point about licences, but I’ve not ever experienced this, and my main concern with licencing is things vanishing from my library - it bothers me when an album vanishes from spotify, and that never happens with physical media (same is true of downloaded music to be fair). It’s not that I’m blindly loyal to Phillips or whatever, just that I like this format for my specific use case.
Can’t argue with non licensing/copying/backup reasons for preferring CDs or other physical media.
But a lot of people are under the misconceptions that things like licensing came to existence after the switch away from physical media or that there were not DRM in physical media, therefore switching back to a physical media would solve the current problems with lack of control over our media. It will not.
What we need is DRM-free digital media, which we can use wherever and however we want. Just like a lot of us did with MP3s and CDs.
I’m with you 100% :) I have a record collection too, but heck if I’d want only records! There’s a use case for each, even if mine’s oddly specific.
I feel Steve Albini’s take on CDs hit it correctly, it was basically to the effect of “welcome to the rich man’s eight track tape, the music industry’s newest way to make you re-buy your music and spend more money”.
I will say he couldn’t have forseen CDs lasting like they have and being the last big physical format, but I think it’s very true. You’re right that physical formats don’t negate the greed/capitalism, and there’s a compulsive desire from companies to control how you enjoy the media you paid for and “own”.
In short, I completely agree with you and the media industries are really restrictive/anti-art, but love CDs as a format. :)
While not technicly gone outright , forums
Hate juggling accounts to be part of communities , some forums (have strict rules|ban VPNs|.*) . There’s reason they’ve been succeeded by (subreddits|discord servers|.*)
Oh, I preferred that. There was much less pressure to conform. All fora had their own “personality”, in a way. Small little islands inhabited by people having fun in their own ways.
Isn’t this true for Lemmy instances to an extent?
As far as I can tell, not really no except for the weird insular communist ones. What’s the difference in personality between and
we need to go back to forums
Sorry, but focused forums are far superior than any of the things that supposed to replace them (Reddit and its -alikes, Discord and its -alikes, etc. etc. etc.).
Discord is so much worse than forums though. Lemmy/reddit are better than every website having their own forums though.
I miss forums. If I went to a specific car forum, that’s what discussion would be about. No random assholes bringing politics into every conversation. No trolls or people just there to make a joke for upvotes.
Or if someone did try to derail the focus of the forum, they’d get booted and it was over.
Yeah, no, I really miss the forums days.
In general I miss the pre “just a couple of sites for everything” internet.
And I mean, there’s a reason that Discord added a “forum” channel type
Hard disagree. I much prefer forums and still am a member of some. The only thing reddit really had going was how broad and easy-to-create it was. It allowed for non-technical people to make cool, niche forums and people to find and participate.
Not 100% gone yet, but gas powered yard tools are dying. Battery powered tools are just better in 99% of use cases.
Two stroke engines do seem dead though which is awesome, because mixed gas was a massive pain in the ass.
The fumes and noise of those little engines makes me excited that the battery versions are taking over.
Oh god I want to gift ALL OF MY NEIGHBOURS BATTERY LEAF BLOWERS. I bought one, it’s amazing, and we’re about to go into autumn 🤢
Even better: tools on a wire
Wired tools are also a pain unless you have a limited scope for movement.
It’s getting legit difficult to find corded tools, corded mowers are fine for the size of yard I have, but choice in those was extremely limited. Yeah battery ones exist, they’re twice the price for the cheapest ones and only go up from there, I can live with an extension cord.
I haven’t had much trouble after ditching google and bing. Except for headphones that take aaa batteries
I had a 11kW two-stroke motorbike and while it was very important for my rural youth, I do not want it back. Fuck the constant oil refueling, fuck the fumes, fuck the noise. If I ever get a motorbike again, it’d be electric.
I remember fighting with gas weed whackers endlessly as a teen trying to do chores… having to dick with the choke for a cold start, having to pump prime them (and it being possible to over prime and lock them out), then you had to carry them around and use them with the exhaust at steak searing temperature… and if you didn’t know how to tune an idle they’d just die in your hands if you didn’t goose the throttle occasionally
This is a great one - don’t miss small gas engines even a little bit lol
Ngl I always thought starting 2-stroke engines was pretty fun. But I certainly don’t miss the noise or the horrible pollution.
Really? Some appliances are a great fit for battery but others less so.
An electric mower just doesn’t feel right to me.
The mower is in that 1% unless you have a really small lot. It gets cost prohibitive if you need multiple sets of batteries to finish your lawn.
I use one on a cord. I put it on my shoulder so I don’t ride over it. Never had any problems.
Love my electric chainsaw except for in winter. Battery life is horrible.
Do you keep the battery inside or on a shed? Much better for the battery to be kept indoors if that’s an option.
The electric chainsaw is the only one I still don’t like being battery powered. Indeed the battery life is too short for most jobs.
But the noise is also part of the experience, it just doesn’t feel as Powerfull without it.
Lawnmower and snowblower have been the only things I haven’t been happy with being electric. Climate change might help me not need the snowblower at all.
I’m perfectly content with my little electric chainsaw. Basically I only ever use it if a tree dies or falls in a storm, it actually starts unlike the gas ones I’ve had…It wouldn’t be up to the task of chopping enough wood to heat my house through the winter but for occasional use it’s better than gas.
I do use a chainsaw for cutting wood to heat. (Although this winter is unpleasantly warm. Thanks, climate change…) There is definitely no way that any electric saw would be able to keep up, esp. since you can’t readily drag 500y of extension cord behind you. Chainsaws could absolutely be made cleaner though. Unfortunately, I think that 2-stroke engines have a much higher power:weight ratio than 4-stroke, so we’re stuck using gas mixed with oil, which pumps out smog.
I kinda wonder if it would be possible to make a 2 stroke engine that doesn’t burn its own oil. Like, essentially supercharge it. Use an impeller on the flywheel to pump air into the cylinder so that the crankcase could be full of heavy oil. Though that might not work with a chainsaw since it has to be held at various angles.
Since you don’t have a timing chain on a two stroke, you’d need something else to run a fuel pump.
If engine design interests you, there’s a lot of neat stuff in this channel.
That throws a “this video isn’t available anymore” page.
At the risk of becoming too anti-casual, anti-gay slurs were so common in the US up until the mid/late 90s, if you weren’t there for it you just have no idea. One of the Bill and Ted movies (I think the first one?) just randomly dropping it in there as a joke, where the slur is the joke, is a good example of just how it was then. There’s still bigotry but it’s not as casual and pervasive.
Eminem has a song where he casually drops an F bomb.
He dropped like a thousand of them. He was using it regularly until sometime in the 2010s.
Eminem is weird cause he leans left but will use any word— save for n word and now f— as long as it rhymes or fits the scheme, then does nearly nothing else offensive. It’s like words are exempt from his morality.
As does Tyler, The Creator, a decade later.
Can gay men not use that word?
In context, it’s an insult.
Policing a gay man on this is odd
Boney ass is an insult too, but you can say that.
I’m not going to explain to you why that’s different than a slur. Suffice it to say, shut the fuck up.
the marshall mathers lp alone has like 4 tracks where he does
And yet his first major song endorses gay marriage.
It’s weird watching average sitcoms from then because of this. The more popular ones are sometimes better but even Seinfeld wasn’t great with it.
a lot of media used the F slur well into the 2000s. it’s pretty shocking to watch nowdays
Catholic clergy are done molesting children…
No, they’re not
Since when? Has Hell frozen over?
A couple years ago it was an issue in Christian religious organizations bad enough that there’s plenty of memes about it. How much this is still the case, I do not know
It was an enormous issue under Pope Benedict, yes, and then I think Pope Francis took things in the complete opposite direction and cracked down on the issue. But alas, it’s still a problem. And not really just in churches but anywhere where an in-loco-parentis system is involved, which includes things like regular school teachers and daycare providers as well, which is one contributing factor against the idea of children in regular occupations. As an asexual, a part of me wonders if simply screening people would solve the issue.
Henry Kissinger
May he rot into nothing and be forgotten
Dial-up internet. I would open a website and go do something else for a minute until it loads, then fight with my parents when they pick up the phone when I’ve been downloading something for 3 hours. Minitel was even worse. But then, Minitel was a French exclusivity.
obligatory quick Sylvqin video (in french though)
I haven’t known the minitel but I guess that the novelty of BBSes compensated the loading time When I was still in school, the Minitel was still used to register us to pass our diplomas. One of the schools I was in even still used an actual Minitel terminal to do so. (Most used a compatibility option integrated in dial-ups modems sold in the country. As did my father a couple of times for other unrelated tasks that couldn’t yet be done via internet, when we first got it at home.)
We had very late internet infrastructure upgrade, so at the end we had a bluetooth dial-up internet router in the early 2010s…
Internet over bluetooth is a crime against humanity
phones with curly cords
Phones with dials.
The lack of privacy, independence, and freedom that generally comes with childhood.
yeah I always wanted to be an adult and now that I am it’s fucking awesome
Orkut, Flogão (kind of a precursor to instagram, it was mostly used by high schoolers around 2004-6), Skype, Internet Explorer and ActiveX
And Adobe Flash.
Literally installed Flash 8 today because it’s the comfiest way to animate for me.
I kinda miss Flash because of the amount of interesting games made with it. Some very cool animations too, good thing Ruffle exists nowadays.
The problem (besides Adobe buying Macromedia) was every fucking business deciding to make their entire sites in Flash
I’m glad that Furbys, inflatable furniture, and disposable cameras are no longer mainstream. And may they never return.
furby was so creepy. esp when he bugs out
Disposable cameras are making a return.
Like 35mm point-and-shoots? That’s surprising. I wonder why?
Disposable cameras and Polaroids have been getting popular at weddings in place of guest books or as something for the guests to do during the reception. The couple then gets something physical they can keep.
Interesting. I still wonder why, because this was a trend in the '90s that died out with camera phones and social media. Maybe it’s a retro throwback trend that got popular with younger folks? Still, I thought they stopped manufacturing Polaroid paper, and can you still get film developed at like the grocery store or a pharmacy?
It’s definitely a hipster thing yeah, they aren’t selling them cheap either since it’s a novelty item now. You can still get film developed but same thing, it’s a niche thing now so fewer places to do it and more expensive.
I think it’s that the physical part provides a value that digital doesn’t.
Susan Wojcicki
She got replaced by her right hand man, meh