We have known for some time.
Trudeau should start a campaign to run for president of the USA in 2028.
Trudeau’s comments aren’t exactly Earth-shattering revelations. By now, everybody with half a working brain should have learned that when Trump says something, you should believe him. Unlike the magats’, Trudeau’s brain is in working order.
when Trump says something, you should believe him.
No. When Trump says something, you should believe that he might be delusional enough to believe it.
No. When Trump says something, about anything at all, whether it’s the truth, or a lie, a group of somebody’s somewhere, completely unrelated by tied inexorably to the fallout from it, is about to die.
Trump is official the president… Don’t be stupid. Federal government will do what he says by the time he is stopped, we will be balls deep in shit.
Never under estimate your opponent, thats how we got here.
What federal government? He keeps firing everyone.
He’ll still have a huge military run by loyal fascists.
He’s crippling it so they can’t stop him when he decides to take illegal action.
I mean, nothing’s stopped him from taking illegal actions. Quite a few of his edicts are completely illegal and enforced illegally as well.
Hell, some go directly against their constitution but are being enacted even faster than the judges can do anything about it.
when Trump
says somethingstates his intentions, you should believe him. When he states a matter of fact you should definitely not believe him.FTFY
People are more stupid than you think. I brought up this exact topic on another platform (that the USA wants Canada for its resources include fresh water), and many US responders laughed like it was the stupidest thing I could have concocted. I explained that I didn’t come up with it it has been an ongoing thing since the 60s where US wanted a trench from Canada to the USA as a water feed, etc. People already believed their own conclusion and citing sources didn’t change their mind on Trumps ulterior motive.
It has been a concern for a long time that as drought bites in the USA and the Arctic becomes a strategic waterway, the USA will want what Canada has in its lakes, its coasts, its farmable land and its other natural resources. It’s just that Trump is accelerating the process, trying to get it done before Canada has a chance to prepare any resistance, and before many Canadians twig what’s going on. I’m quite sure he’s serious, and quite sure he isn’t the only one.
Meanwhile Canadians are about to elect the most incompetent PM ever, whose only goal is to look tough and bigoted while screwing the little people, like Trump.
What the heck’s the point of this Commonwealth shit if the UK’s not gonna protect their stock
we are peers with the UK in the commonwealth, they are not mommy
But everything’s so much more expensive in the EU, like
HealthcareFoodTelecommunicationsTransportationInsuranceTaxes that include the wealthyCanada will join the EU guaranteed!
Just purchased, juuuuuust in case…
Not Chump himself but lobbyists whispering in his ear about how rich they will all get extorting resources then selling them to John Q. Public.
Not only is it obvious to everyone else, that tariffs are war/extortion to ceize Canada after it is destroyed, Trudeau know it too. There needs to be a stronger response than “wait for 30 days”, because Canada is like Gaza to him.
Getting foreign auto companies specifically to make long term commitments to Canada, if only just voicing resistance to building new plants in US as tariffs go on, and are presumed temporary. Overall, the high level of auto sector job subsidies Canada pays, would make UBI with Chinese EV purchases a policy that makes Canadians better off. US insurance industry needs to announce 10%-20% auto insurance hikes today for potential halt in NA auto production impact on “replacement value” pricing.
Our retailers should not be restocking US products, with PR announcements over uncertainty. Discontinuing US products until long term threats to Canada are removed. Alternatives, including Chinese ones, should be explored.
Canadian military spending must immediately stop all F35 purchases, or at very least insist on the Israel version (even USAF not allowed to use) which gives manuals and right to repair. F35 is a broken product, and likely has US kill switch for regular model. All Canadian military spending should be on dual use systems that can defend from US. More shipyards is opportunity for export (US included), and can counter main threat to Canadian coast from US fishing or the absurd notion that Russia will build oil and gas rigs in Canadian waters.
An energy export agency that prices US oil exports at same rate as WTI price, with profits shared between Fed and Provincial level, is a path to turn upside down “captured Canadian oil” into captured US refineries designed to process heavy crude. Such pricing avoids any incentive to build new refineries for those markets. Similarly Canadian electricity (ON/PQ dominated) would be intermediated to price into wholesale US markets instead of “flooding US markets to undercut them”. Profits divided similarly. These actions lower Canadian energy prices by selling less to US, while also enhancing total national profit.
Diplomatic visits should be daily news. China specifically buying this years agricultural harvests instead of US ones is a huge win. Oil for solar panels trade. Cooperation with Mexico to get them to substitute Canada and China for agricultural exports. A national emergency on eggs, with export tariffs to US.
As a broader international picture, the choice of making USA’s enemies our own enemies is the only reason the US can say it “subsidizes our defense”. Senate (because Parliament suspended) inquiries into whether Canada’s defense is enhanced through a more neutral stance on the world, joining the global south in neutrality/cooperation with China and Russia, Whether US voter suppression, abuse of provisional ballots, should delegitimize its democracy status. Oppression of CDC vital to WHO and international health, is a corruption that also weakens any response to fentanyl. Foreign interference that includes/focuses on US/CIA and Israel in its scope is a point of inquiry. That genocide supporting Bill Ackman’s role in US election corruption might require nationalizing his stake in Tim Hortons parent company, is a point of inquiry.
North Korea and China friendliness are issues that also affect ROK and JPN. Retaining those countries access to our markets as balance to their US subservience, is an important win, that starts with diplomatic ties/overtures with North Korea. Inquiries on whether NATO aggression and disinformation may pervert the reality of Russia’s claims of self defense in its Ukraine operations can very well end up with a sham decision that “the US empire rules based world order prevails”, but that inquiry requires NATO allies and US to strongly support Canada in order to maintain the sham. The point is to start the inquiry today. Any pretense that Trump is a Putin puppet, either appeases Trump, but as Trump just got Ukraine to give it all rights to its rare earth minerals in exchange for a trickle of additional aid, the US is the sole beneficiary of our allied commitment to extorting Ukraine to the last Ukrainian for only US pillaging, and Trump bluster, is in fact US empire extortion gains, when world cowers in fear of him.
OP is correct. National emergency BS is a false pretext for war through extortion on Canada. Averting tariffs/extortion 30 days from now starts now. If our allies won’t help, then we need new friends. When we are not enemies with US enemies, then Canada protects the US from Russian ICBMs through NORAD. US needs to pay very high “rent” for NORAD cooperation if US congress does not install protections for President to launch extortion/war campaigns against Canada. “National emergencies justified for extortion against Canada” need congressional review as to whether they are true or false.
Hurt me harder, daddy Canada!
- Become 51st state
- Add 40 million left leaning socialism supporting voters to the USA
- ?
- Profit!
- Become 6th US territory
- Add 40 million left leaning socialism supporting workers to the USA who can’t vote.
- …
- 🥲
No one seems to be considering the intersection of increased access to firearms (which, regardless of their intent, would happen) and a radicalized population.
Good point. I’d be arming myself pronto under an Americanization scenario.
Add 40 million left leaning socialism supporting voters to the USA
Man, I wish I lived in the Canada that exists in your head. It sounds so much cooler than Real Canada.
I’m honestly just glad it’s not Mexico for once. We really, really don’t need to be messed with right now. It’s not that we wouldn’t be able to handle it, but we’re doing great for the first time in my life and I don’t want to see that spoiled.
But whatever the outcome, it’s a reminder that we need to stand together.
Better start hitting the gym. Get in shape in case we get drafted to defend Canada.
I wouldn’t want any of our American friends or our Canadian soldiers to be killed because of that fat fuck.
If anything, effort needs to be made to remove him before this escalates even further. Our true allies will understand, because a war between Canada and the United States would end up as a World War, and nobody wants that.
It would not end as a world war. It would probably pull in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and maybe some other countries, because we are part of the commonwealth.
And even then I wouldn’t hold my breath.
We need to stop adopting the same enemies that US manufactures. “Rules based world order” BS must stop immediately, because it has always been warmongering and extortion. When we don’t make the enemies of the US our own, then Canada is protecting the US from Russia. Not the other way around. US needs to pay for NORAD services. Whether its through NAFTA obedience/niceness, or risk of collapse that it is already teethering on, from just a single nuclear strike. Any talk of a draft in Canada must be in the context that Canada’s only enemy in the world is the US. Not BS of Canadians sent to die in Ukraine to enhance Blackrock’s cheap/corrupt privatisations.
I’m an old man now. I have skills though. Been dusting off the trauma kit and reading up. Never hurts to be prepared even if things don’t go south so to speak.
I’m an old woman and seriously considering spending my tax rebate on getting my gun licence. A trauma kit is getting added to the list now too.
Drones. If you can afford one buy a drone. Learn how to use it. Skip the gun licencing. If it does happen there will be guns.
Tbh I wouldn’t even know where to start with a drone. Do I get one for monitoring or carrying a p load?
I have no idea either…like I said I’m old. However drones are the most effective guerilla warfare tactic to come around in decades. Proven repeatedly. Being old limits your physical ability like mine, but a drone levels our playing field. Perhaps a more well informed Lemming could help you out.
Thank you. :)
Counteroffer: would Canada like Michigan as the 11th province?
No i think the article here is that this is really a legitimate threat. And the US having veto power in Nato is a big fucking deal because that means we can’t rely on our Nato allies to do anything.
They’re really serious about taking us over.
We need to take this seriously and be ready if they try to come for us
The comments in question from CBC:
Hmm your link doesn’t work for me.
My bad, edited, try again. I screwed up changing it from YT shorts to a normal video.
On the plus side, millions of Canadian voters would help us get rid of him if he is somehow successful.
Why would anyone assume we’d be given the right to vote?
Puerto Rican’s still can’t.
This is also why I am going for my firearms license this year.
And once I have it, an FN-P90 with full-sized magazines. Plus something decently portable and long-range. Because if they cross the border in force - and America has had invasion plans refreshed every decade since WWII - I intend to make their occupation as painful as possible. We’ll definitely lose and be fully occupied - 40M vs 134M is no contest - but asymmetrical warfare can be exceedingly effective against a larger (and arrogant) aggressor.
Who’s with me in getting their license to practice at the range with?
Where do you get a firearms license?
You have to finish a licensed class and pass the tests they give you, then you apply to the government and wait about a month to get your PAL in the mail assuming you pass the background checks.
That is highly illegal in Canada, so no. You should be reported to the government.
That is highly illegal in Canada, so no. You should be reported to the government.
It won’t be illegal when the country doesn’t exist anymore.
And if you want to roll over and show your belly to an invading aggressor, I have no problem lumping you in with other fascist collaborators.
You sound like a child. Anyways, full autos are not legal in Canada.