I guess that goes for eyebrows and other body hair in general, but it seems like hair loss with age is very specifically only on top of the head and nowhere else.
So that’s the reason as guys age we end up hairer on our bodies and end up walking around like bald gorillas.
A bald guy wrote that
There’s also studies showing everyone (at least in the study areas) thinks it’s goofy unless you shave the sides to match, so that’s interesting. Either one of those two facts are wrong, or cavemen were dexterous enough to get the job done with a piece of flint.
Obsidian razors are one atom thick.
Grog use triple flint blade. 6 months subscription new rock comes.
My understanding is it is hormonal and governed by androgens, testosterone, and DHT. Depending on a man’s levels and how sensitive their follicles are, it will affect how their scalp or beard grows. It can also be genetic/inherited and they are more likely to bald as they get older. Medication is usually aimed at hormonal causes and combined with something like minoxidil, which is a vasodilator.
Women also go through something similar, except the beard part for most women.
I just got too tall too fast. Grew right up through my hair!
As a very bald man, let me assure you, hair does not merely keep growing other places. The exact same hormones make it start coming out of unexpected places like weeds in a sidewalk. So cool. /s
As to why hair follicles work backwards specifically on the very top of genetically predisposed individuals, I can’t say. There’s a lot of information on the Wikipedia, but probably more to go. I know it’s still an active area of medical research. Especially active, even, because it’s an old white/asian guy problem (usually).
I’m genuinely curious. By what age did you become bald?
Not the guy you asked but that is a decent question.
My hair thinned massively between ages 21-23, and when I was 24 I’d had enough and finished the rest off with a razor.
21-22 I could get away with it, but by 24 it was ridiculous and nothing could hide it short of always wearing a hat.
It takes too long for the stress to work its way down.
Big Hat
Something about it being different kinds of hair. Facial hair trend to be more “pubic”, with it’s coarseness and waviness. If anything, as men get older, that kind of hair grows more vigorously.
riding around in convertibles.
The hair gremlins wake us up if they try to pluck our facial hair
Let Me Wikipedia That For You https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern_hair_loss#Causes
Yeah, but what if OP wants a conversation?
What is there to converse about? Some people seem to confuse asklemmy with Google.
Don’t make me tap the sign 👇
No you didn’t.
OoooOOooo, so it’s dangerous to have a conversation with you?