Fake, there is no way anyone would be that stupid and openly prejudiced . . .
hmm, lol
It’s unfortunate that this educated woman’s husband felt the need to speak for her when she is fully capable of speaking for herself.
You are a loser
Sorry, but this is a bit too much of #thathappened for me.
yup. story’s total bullshit.
I believe the first part. I dont believe the quick and clean comeback.
I do. Because it’s not the first time that someone talked down to his doctor wife, and it won’t be the last.
I’m sure the first time he said nothing, but by the fifteenth time, you get good at it.
Fair point honestly, i can see it.
Yeah, my wife has a higher level of education than me, and I get it.
“And then everyone around us stood up and clapped at my husband’s response.”
My best friend’s uncle’s ex girlfriend was there and she said everyone clapped as well.
The husband? Albert Einstein.
I hate to say this, but this is one of the most Reddit flavoured “thathappened” posts I’ve seen on lemmy
One negative thing about Reddit’s slow downfall is that all the same shitty actors will start to come over here and employ their same old boring karma farming tactics. Hopefully the way lemmy is federated keeps things from getting too shitty. Reddit’s corporate overlords are getting more and more controlling. On lemmy, at least for now, you can just hop instances if you start getting cranky.
Idk, the US is currently run by a Nazi admirer who is famous for bankrupting businesses, yet hosted a celebrity reality TV series about running a business, and while being a known adulterer is somehow generally supported by Christians in the country.
That doesn’t even begin to get into the DOGE shit show… Reality right now is a massive #thathappened
ThatHappened is a flat circle. Sometimes things are so conveniently contrived looking that they did really happen. Truth is stranger than fiction.
The most believable part is that is what a Rogen fan would say.
Dunno. I presume something close to the second part happened, too. A Neuroscience PhD would not likely marry an imbecile.
People using the word “intellect” in the same sentence as rogan makes the first part quite unbelievable too. Also, in my experience, people also refer to themselves as PhDs or physicians, because saying “doctor” outside of formally addressing one doesn’t reveal anything about what the person actually does other than their ““intellect””.
The husband quote is what I (husband of wife with masters degree), would have thought to say in the car on the way home.
Maybe. But i’ve never actually met or talked to anyone that says shit like that. Do you guys discuss podcasts like this with friends, or even worse, randoms? It’s like taking about some reality show or something, who cares what an idiot has to say about a subject. It boggles my mind.
This kind of wordvomit has to be related to close to 2 decades of 140 character limit “discussions” online. I never understood why anyone would want twitter, and i get a greater feeling of justification in my belief for every day that passes.
Sometimes you’re in a social gathering that’s polite and one guy invited has a bug up his ass. Like, I have a guy in my social group who keeps joking that women are going to get forced to get pregnant. All the men in the group now vocally tell him it’s not funny. He’s not even weird in other ways that are noticeable.
I’ve also met full gown men who still love Rogan and believe the sentiment of the post. They are often kind of close minded and dumb.
Just be really grateful you haven’t had the misfortune to run into these members of society haha
(I agree with your sentiment about twitter. I never saw the draw)
maybe it’s less of a flat circle and more of a downward spiral… or maybe things are just getting more and more stupid every day… or maybe it’s a cyclical decline… or maybe THE PRESIDENT IS SELLING CARS AT THE WHITE HOUSE
Come on down to Crazy Donnie’s and get yourself a Tesler!
god help us all that picture of him holding the fucking prices and features & benefits on his notes
someone else said it was like watching Billy Mays and the Shamwow guy on a bit less drugs. i thought that was pretty apt.
Thanks for apologizing
Everyone clapped. It was awesome. Completely owned the guy.
a sawed-off bat is a much more effective weapon… a full sized one is too easy to dodge and grab….
also, neaganize it with some barbed wire…Alternatively, a sock over the far end, so when they try to catch/grab the bat, you can just pull it out and maintain control of the situation
helps, but they can still dodge and catch you off balance…
I cringed
I honestly don’t know. It would be completely justified if women flipped out more often.
I like her husband’s response, though.
Wait before you want “hysterical” women again please. Lots of doctors got their jollies off on “hysterical” women…
Have you seen that Courtney Cox show, Shining Vale?
The “hysterical paroxysm” thing is mostly a myth. The book that brought that idea to the popular imagination was mostly bullshit.
which book?
I’ll take things that never happened for 500 Alex
This reads like a shower argument I have when alone
The fact you don’t have any friends that would stand up for their wives like this is more an indictment of you and the company you keep
All of my friends would stand up for their wives. That’s a wild assumption you’re making
The fact you take things so personally speaks volumes about your life.
I’m not your dog, kick someone else dork
So why is it so unusual that somebody would stand up for theirs? Why is this a thing that doesn’t happen?
You said it doesn’t happen.
The whole sequence of events seems unlikely to have happened particularly if you’ve never been dragged to a company meeting by your spouse. Where people absolutely drink and forget not everyone wants to hear their political hot takes like ‘‘there were only disagreements when they started letting women vote’’. But my hard line stepping trigger personally is people smoking Marlboros. Like seriously. Smoke camels, or actually get 30 feet from the door. No one wants to smell that shit. Plus I have asthma.
Yeah on point
People are fucking obnoxious
Bruh, you’re misunderstanding the point of my og comment. I wasn’t saying someone wouldn’t stand up for their partner. I was saying the entire argument sounds made up
Sorry you didn’t understand and think I beat my wife when she speaks, lmao grow up and touch some grass
The argument is, some dude insults a guys wife and then he stands up for her. And you said it “never happened”. How exactly are people going to interpret that?
Do you hear yourself??? Do you actually speak with real humans in real life? My dude or dudette just go away already
Yeah, usually people are accountable to their words, or speak and write with some intention.
So you are going to refuse to answer, how does what you said, make sense, in the context of the other thing you said.
If you don’t want to admit that it doesn’t, fine by me.
There is nothing admirable about letting a fascist rant about hate and nonsense, while the ape of a host goes “never thought of it that way, interesting” while legitimizing the nonsense
In a normal society, there would be high pressure against this kind of behavior, and people would need to be tested at least once a year to stay educated. You don’t really have free will if you can’t make rational choices.
Trust me, we don’t.
I’m sorry but I have a neuroscience degree and I think this is a fart sniffing post. The broader point is real though
I think it’s adorable that you think they’d listen to a male scientist who told them they were being idiots.
They shouldn’t
Lorena Bobbit had it right
Pharmaceuticals, generally.