Oh this again? Democratic Party: has our Neo liberalism, refusal to enact progressive policy, and backing of a genocide alienated progressive voters? Disenfranchised voter: damn it we told you a thousand times yes! Democratic Party: No it’s the voters who are wrong.
Hey, hey, marketing yourself as Fascism Lite: Low Sodium as opposed to Fascism Original Recipe has to work at some point, right?
Yes, stop thinking and just follow the herd! That’s surely the solution! \s
Thankfully I live in a state where my vote doesn’t matter at all. jfc.
How many years can the libs keep this up?
Enjoy the turbo-genocide ethnic cleansing!
I don’t enjoy it at all. Your glee is disgusting.
Liberals love the bloodshed because they can blame it on the voters, and not that both parties love killing people.
Even the existence of the phrase “vote blue no matter who” is a dead giveaway as to why the Democrats failed… Again.
You cannot run entirely on simply not being the other party. That is not enough to entice voters on the fence. You might think it is and those people on the fence are too stupid so they should just “vote blue no matter who”, but clearly that hasn’t been fucking work for the Democrats.
Trump begging to be king should have been enough. The fact that it wasn’t shows it’s not just ‘what the democrats do’ it’s that people are fucking stupid and hateful. Hell the VP doesn’t even know where this country came from. These people are not American. They’re traitors to the red coats and don’t even know what that means.
The fact that it wasn’t shows it’s not just ‘what the democrats do’ it’s that people are fucking stupid and hateful.
Well here’s the thing: The average person does not, in fact, care about nebulous ideas like democracy. And why would they? Why did the democracy people do for them? Hint: The answer is nothing. That’s why they vote Republican, because Republicans promise change rather than more of the same.
This is definitely a liberal take. I don’t agree with those who didn’t vote for Kamala, but removing responsibility from people running her campaign when there are obvious glaring issues such as retracting all populist messaging and appealing to non-existent right wingers voting against Trump was a real stinker to say the least. It’s okay to blame politicians who didn’t win for not winning.
God, this is the take I want to see. I’ll take criticism of my voting habits, but it should be proportional to my power. Democrats have more culpability.
You got a fascist elected. Hope your moral purity was worth it
proportional to my power
This is the thing that always kills me. My vote was 100% worthless. Completely performative, just throwing paper to the wind. My state was one of the few that actually went for Harris, my state governor is one of the few actually fighting against Trump, my city has so far done an excellent job fighting back against him, and none of the races were even really close. I’m sure there are many other people, in the other firm blue states just like mine, who couldn’t stomach voting for genocide when they know their vote is just a gesture.
Yep, I live in California. Local ballots are more important for my state than anything federal level, and I still voted for Harris.
I live in the worst part of California where its rural so Republicans win 60% of the vote, and state-wide Democrats win 60% of the vote. Props and city level are the only places I have a meaningful change, especially since my “city” has 5000 people.
So if I vote aginast the Republicans running for the House, my one vote didn’t change much there as the redneck hillbillies who think California is communist are a voting bloc that can’t be swayed, and they never need ot worry about re-election. I still vote for the Democrat, but last elections had two Republicans for the seat, one was backed by Trump, one was backed by Trump’s aids and cabinet officials.
I voted for Kamala. My parents and grandparents did as well. I do not feel that the democrats were/are doing jack shit to court new voters. The party itself expects to just be the status quo and have people vote for it. Whether people want to admit it or not, the point of being a progressive party is to be… how do I put this… PROGRESSIVE.
Maybe Democrats could have tried doing literally anything that people wanted
“Wow you wanted the Democrats to do popular polices? You must be a Republican!”
They were too cowardly to enact any change, and just tried to keep the status quo.
Refused to act against an attempted coup by the previous president, and suffered for it, as they rightly should.
The biggest problem with the US is lack of proportional representation. Winner-takes-all elections have led to the inevitable outcome. It’s also why in Europe the propagandists are trying to push for the same system whenever they can.
Non-contributing rage bait. The Democrats were wrong. The Democrats still are wrong. And the Democratic presidential candidate was infinitely better than her opposition.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
Nuance motherfucker do you speak it.
“If they dislike my party, they must support the other party, nothing else exists, right?”
In a two party system, especially when there’s no clear “I don’t like either” option then yes, nothing else exists. When you don’t vote you’re not saying “I don’t like either party” you’re saying “I don’t care which party wins”. If you don’t care which party wins then you’re in support of both parties.
Ever heard of third parties? I’ve voted Green Party since I could vote. There is the Libertarian, Reform, Constitutional, and several other parties.
Yeah, they’re the non-vote parties. FPTP voting always devolves down to 2 parties, see Duverger’s Law. Even if by some miracle a 3rd party wins (and continues winning) they will eventually kick one of the previous 2 parties out and take their place as the new party in the 2 party system. In practice if my memory doesn’t fail me voting 3rd party hasn’t mattered for over a century because the 2 main parties are so entrenched, so voting for 3rd party is more or less throwing away your vote.
Well I would rather throw my vote away then vote for murdering sociopaths
This dumbass argument again.
You need an opposition party then. If you keep blaming the voters you are going to keep digging your own grave. In America you have only two parties and legit no opposition party. In this way guess what, FASCISM always wins.
Also Please honestly explain to me, how in the fuck is fascism lite ever going to beat fascism?
Broadcasts from the future:
Wednesday, November 8, 2028: The democrats, running a Mike Pence and Mitt Romney ticket, have just lost to the a copy of Grok 3 trained on the transcripts of all of Donald Trump’s, uh, speeches, and its running mate, Eye Fuckskulls, the modern leader of the Aryan Brotherhood. After having a completely fair primary in which their super delegates all reported that they would vote for Pence on day one, and all the other candidates, each having won one or two states, dropped out and pledged their votes to Pence after he won the absolutely critical state of New Hampshire, the democrats were sure of their chances with this centrist ticket. Many democrats expressed befuddlement that they lost ground in every demographic, although some strategists see a glimmer of hope in that they managed to pick up sixteen disaffected Republican voters nationwide. Some voters seemed to think that the democrats didn’t make a case for why they should vote for Pence and Romney instead of Grok/Fuckskulls, but democrats disagree. “It’s hard to know for sure, but my guess is that it’s time to move past unpopular far left policies like only executing 100 detained immigrants a day, annexing only half of Canada, and limiting involuntary Tesla Factory labor to only the poorest Americans” said one democratic strategist.
“Stupid fucking leftists, progressives, and non-voters, Pence/Romney ‘Atheist Genocide But We’ll Say Sorry While Doing It 2028’ was the best chance we had at restoring the republic, the damage that Grok and Fuckskulls will do is immeasurable. I guess they’re just going to have to learn to vote blue no matter who in 2032!” Yelled another exasperated democrat on the TrumpNet ™, America’s isolated and heavily censored internet network.
I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for the satirical sci-fi of the bullshit we’re stuck with of today.
As an outsider, I think you’re not on the side of the meme that you think you’re on.
If not voting for Trump wasn’t enough for Harris to win, she sure didn’t act like it. “Nothing to change” from the policies of the guy who was forced to step down wasn’t what the people wanted to hear.
I mean he was asked to step down because of the worry that his mental faculties, not due to his policies. Remember, it was right after his first debate with Trump. The following debate, Kamala roasted Trump.
Yeah, except for the whole genocide thing. But mostly college kids protested that. You can just beat up those.
I don’t get how this relates to my post… Could you reword your comment
There were many of people who demanded Biden to step down, as he supported Israels genocide against Palestinians. The reasons you describe cover the party elites and many people in general, but Bidens support for genocide and Harris continuation of that support were part of the reasons why the Democrats lost to Trump again.
Stepping down was mainly due to his debate performance, not the genocide. Why do I believe that? A shit ton of people still voted for Kamala. It wasn’t enough for her to win, and it was less than Biden s votes last election, but a majority of Biden voters from his election still voted for Kamala.
Originally we aren’t talking about why he lost ( i do agree, perhaps incorrectly, that Kamala lost enough support because of her position on Gaza). Originally we were talking about why he was forced to step down, which again was due to his debate performance.
“Democrats are not doing enough to encourage people to vote for Democrats.” is a warning, not a threat.
People who make and post memes like this seem to think that the people complaining about conservative Democrats and pointing out problems in the party are not voting for Democrats. I think they largely wrong about that. We are voting for all Democrats all the time, but warning you that your messaging sucks and you are not going to get the turnout you need. It is not our fault we were correct.
The whole genocide joe Gaza bullshit proves this wrong. There were plenty of ‘protest’ votes this round. But their protest issues were stupid because trump had worse direction on all of them but for whatever reason that was ignored and everyone focused on Harris and Biden. As if trump wasn’t just waiting to glass the whole place and turn it into a resort or golf course already.
for whatever reason that was ignored and everyone focused on Harris and Biden.
It’s because Democrats have always been held to higher standards. Because we expect nothing from Republicans, because Republicans never deliver. Ever. So now all our expectations rest on Democrats and when you place all your expectations on one thing, it will always fail to live up.
So Democrats have to be flawless while Republicans get to literally be lawless.
Pretty stupid country we’ve got here. Signing our democracy away because one party can’t be perfect.
Democrats have to be flawless
They really don’t and the fact that you don’t see that is why the blindness of the dems lead to their failure.
“What are you going to do vote for the facists?”
–stays home
(In all seriousness, the two party system killed us. The first thing we should have could have fixed was ranked choice voting but they would never mandate that because it would break their hold. Also despite my joke above I did vote but I’m not going to get pissy with someone that didn’t the problem is the party not the voter. Unless they voter actively voted red.)
First past the post is a fatal flaw. I really hope the UK can ditch it someday.
Yeah that is the level of self awareness that created this bullshit. Fuck the Democrats. To be clear I voted for Harris but t Still think the Democrats suck
See you might have voted for Harris but people who go online and read comments like “Fuck the Democrats” and “Democrats are Centrists” didn’t. People didn’t vote for Harris because of shit like your comment.
If a Democrat’s billion dollar war chest can’t stand against an anonymous online person saying “Democrats are centrists” maybe they shouldn’t be centrists.
What about a hundred million anonymous online persons?
If a hundred million of your constituents are asking you to do something, fucking do it. A candidate can tell their base to shut up, but expecting them to still turn out, as we just saw, is a fantasy.
The majority of people shitting on dems were not dem constituents. They were Republicans. An unfortunate number were dems but far from a majority, going by primary results for the last two decades.
There’s a lot of cocky talk from you about majorities from someone bemoaning an electoral defeat across the board.
Look at this dude, proudly declaring the left’s defeat to Republicans. You some kind of conservative?
The idea someone would not vote because they read “Democrats are Centrists” online is funny to me.
Millions of people who voted for Biden in 2020 did not show up to vote for Harris in 2024. Trumps numbers hardly changed at all.
It really is that simple, no enthusiasm among the left due to infighting and degrading our candidate.
People didn’t vote for Harris because her campaign sucked ass, it’s her and her staff who failed to convince people to vote for her, not people who voiced their dissatisfaction with her proposed policy. They need to do better, and if they do, then people excercising their freedom of speech on the internet won’t sway votes away from the party. Idea that people shouldn’t be allowed to complain about the genocide because it voices loudly the dissatisfaction over the party actions and that may lead to lower voter turnout is flawed to it’s core. Those comments are the symptom of the problem, the sign that there is something wrong with the way they directed the campaign, not the source of it. You will get nowhere by silencing the dissidents, you need to take away their reasons to complain, not their means. Until Dems learn this lesson, they won’t win elections again, not with the antiestabilishment vibes and lack of trust towards the government that are prevailent im USA. Not only this messaging of censure won’t work, it will only piss off the electorate and alienate them further. Before the elections I have assumed that this campaign to shame people into voting was a psy op, but it seems like it’s actually their position on the matter, which definitely makes me think they’re controlled opposition at this point. They can’t actually think this kind of messaging helps them in any way, right? This arrogant approach is specifically why Republican electorate hates them. If they want to win, like, ever, they need to work on that.
I’m sorry their message didn’t vibe with you but the Harris policy stances were all on point, minus that shit Walz had to say about Israeli borders. But the vast majority of Americans seemed unaware of the policy stances being on point because of the constant whinging of people online about how they don’t trust her.
Here is an idea, buy Twitter, Meta, Google, WaPo, and TikTok and start propagandizing like the GOP had on their side. She’d probably win by 20 Mil minimum. That’s how fucking easy it is to trick the USA, not even any politics involved, just fuck with the kid’s vibe feeds and watch them destroy themselves. Even talking with you lowers my faith in humanity.
Here is an idea, buy Twitter, Meta, Google, WaPo, and TikTok and start propagandizing like the GOP had on their side.
I’ve recently come around to this idea and I can’t believe we haven’t seen it more often. Facts don’t matter. We need the media, in the unlikely event our democracy limps past this administration. We MUST control the media. That is LITERALLY all that matters.
Imagine posting this meme when just today the DNC have announced their “new” leadership and it’s just the same as the old leadership, and they’ve done absolutely nothing to push back against Trump this whole time.
Just like they would have done nothing when Trumpists did a violent coup if the voting results were different.
Liberals only differ from fascists in degree, not the kind of ideology they follow.
Imagine posting this meme when just today the DNC have announced their “new” leadership and it’s just the same as the old leadership, and they’ve done absolutely nothing to push back against Trump this whole time.
“But maybe next DNC chair you’ll get a progressive! Vote for us and we’ll give you what you want next time.”
don’t vote and you never have to vote again.
Literally voted for Harris, ya goober.
they’ve done absolutely nothing to push back against Trump this whole time.
What do you mean? Didn’t you see their tiny signs last night? That’ll sure show him!
Fascism cannot stand against the power of color coordination. (And friendship. Have we tried using the power of friendship?)
Finally a real solution
I think they were even instructed to be “quiet”. And they all just fucking fell in line.
You guys deserve trump.
Like “the democrats weren’t cool and sexy enough, and they didn’t serenade me long enough, they didn’t even have my favorite ice cream flavor”.
This thread is full of it.
There’s no campaign bad enough to justify electing the injecting bleach criminal.
They just should have needed to come out, point at trump and say “if you don’t vote for me you’ll get him”, turn 180 and go to sleep. And should have won like 80-20.
Last night the Democrats official response the Donald Trump’s speech was to praise Ronald Reagan. It somehow here you stand today defending them. Unbelievable
They could have taken an accordion and played a polka while making donkey noises for all I care. When the alternative is a literal criminal that is so dumb he thought planes are invisible, it shouldn’t be about what democrats are doing.
- Cake or death?
- Well… what flavor is the cake? Vanilla? So boring!
You realize the Democrats I’m talking about were elected right? We voted for them. Now they can’t be bothered to do anything? We should just be happy they exist? They should just settle in as the loyal opposition? That’s all I can expect from my representative? What are they good for?
You fucking neoliberals love to pretend like y’all are so against what Donald Trump’s doing. Y’all love this. He’s doing all the things you wish you could do and y’all don’t have to get your hands dirty. Eroding of the middle class, enslaving of the workers, destruction of the regulatory state, and deregulation across the board. Neoliberal wet dream. This is what y’all have been gunning for for 40 years. Not even hiding it anymore. Going on national television as a group and lauding your hero Ronald Reagan.