Democrats: Here’s how Harris can still win!
Progressives: Well, we all showed up at the same place at the same time. Did we win?
If only this turn out had actually opposed trump at the polls
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…he’d’ve resoundingly trounced trump if the democratic party hadn’t conspired against him in 2016, but if he won the executive the democratic party would have done everything in their power to make sure his administration was as effectual as carter’s…
Problem with Dems - it’s still the party of the rich.
They try their hardest to direct the energy towards various more cultural issues as opposed to working people rights.
I’m educated enough in American politics to understand elusive news about Musk ans Trump but about not that Bernie guy. Is that a first or last name and what was the point of the rally? Also is a rally like a démonstration?
It’s a first name. He’s a politician somewhere between PS and UDI on the spectrum, so for Americans he is an extreme radical leftist, for normal people a basically sensible centrist with some heart. Has a cult following for a long time, seems like a nice guy probably.
A rally is like a demonstration but with establishment politicians speaking.
so for Americans he is an extreme radical leftist
literally only right wingers would call him that.
That description is a bit tongue in cheek, but most Americans would call him far left or whatever they think is a non pejorative way to say the same thing. Just look at this very thread, you have people calling him a socialist and “truly left”, they are not right wingers, or at least they wouldn’t think of themselves that way, and you probably wouldn’t either. And like, yeah, he has some lefty ideas, but globally speaking he runs a pretty centrist platform. I guess it’s necessary in America, supporting trade unions and healthcare is as far left as you can go, maybe his personal views are a bit better and it is just a calculation.
…which are essentially the entire electorate and media apparatus supporting both parties…
Bernie Sanders is a Senator for the state of Vermont. Be has run for president and went pretty far on a socialist platform. Far enough that when you refer to him by his first name while discussing politics, just about every American knows who you are talking about. If there is a truly left wing politician in American government, it’s Bernie. And while it doesn’t say a lot about the state of things, it does say quite a bit that so many people showed up to hear him speak.
LOL socialist
Cool. So what policy changes did they enact? None? Then who gives a fuck?
Action, not words, AOC. Action, not words, Bernie. Fucking stfu and DO something.
Getting their base energized and angry about the current situation is doing a lot more than introducing a bill that has a 0.00% chance of getting passed. The chances of them talking to the high ranking party officials and getting them to reverse course probably has the same chance of success.
It helps to use your brain to actually think about the outcomes of actions. On the off chance that I’m just being an asshole, please let me know what is a better use of their time.
If another four years of Trump and the threat of project 2025 wasn’t enough to make these people do the bare minimum it would have taken to stop it, I honestly don’t see how a few empowered speeches will do more than jack-shit to motivate them.
I wish it were different, but we’re taking about a group of people who have a proven track record of stopping short of walking the walk.
You’re right it is much better for them to give up.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Or the ok, or the mildly evil in this case.
What are you doing besides uselessly bitching and moaning about how others aren’t doing enough. Grow up, shit will never be perfect in the real world and we are on the edge of a fascist regime coup. Even if Bernie doesn’t do shit, getting that many people together is still a net positive compared to him voting on stuff or talking to people or introducing bills that will never pass just so morons think he is doing something better than rallies.
Getting large groups of people together repeatedly is the most important thing that can happen right now. Quit bitching and fucking do something.
“introducing a bill that has a 0.00% chance of getting passed” is Bernie’s function.
So he can look like the real leftist who is really trying.In this environment … bipartisan politics haven’t played a meaningful role in national US government since … Oh. George W Bush, maybe.
Have you ever met this buddy of mine?
That poor Bill, brought into the world because @MisterOwl thinks it’s better to have a useless, irrelevant stack of paper then to start solidifying a base of people to act as the real opposition party.
what have you been doing? besides typing on a keyboard at people
Does she mean Democratic National Convention or Democratic National Committee the later being the common thing referred to as DNC?
The National Convention is almost five thousand delegates with a plus one or two. Its not exactly a rally its the body that confirms or votes for the party’s Prez candidate. They have guest, speakers, other elected Democrats(who aren’t delegates), and invite the Press.
I took it as the convention. It’s the other publicly visible gathering of folks.
I fear for her safety. I hope she stays safe.
How many billionaires did they kill?
Literally my first thought. All other avenues have been exhausted.
Honestly, I’m not impressed. This is in DENVER. Take it to a blood red district and show me the numbers. This is not where Dems need to spend their time.
I agree and disagree. They need to pick up a bit of momentum, and “yes men” can help peer pressure the less dogmatic red-teamers to start thinking about their message. Then, once they hit those red states the no-men might show up a bit too and we start getting momentum through them as well
I was at the rally! I was one of the last people let inside before they closed the gate, and thousands of people that didn’t get inside watched and listened from outside of the fencing, so the actual number was more than 34,000.
Here’s a photo I took…
And here’s Bernie…
thank you, I’ve managed to identify you now, dispatched ICE agents at your home
.ml user, sending air strike en route.
Bernie should have won.
Fuck everyone who voted for hillary clinton in the 2016 primary.
They need to be tarred and feathered.
bernie is an independent. according to america you only want two teams, everyone else will get little to no votes.
It is not that we only WANT two teams. It’s that we only GET two teams. It’s an emergent property of a broken voting system. If somebody in the US says you can’t or shouldn’t vote for another party, that’s their interpretation via some kind of game theory thought process to prevent an even worse choice from winning.
That probably isn’t relevant any longer, and it’s more clear than ever that the system was never improved because it is a great form of control that parties and individuals won’t catch the blame for. Thus all the discussion of “alternative” methods of political change.
That’s a CRAZY number - and support is building!
Hell yeah!
I’d kill to see a Bernie/AOC rally outside of Chicago.
I went ahead and donated to their campaign, but if you’re in a similar boat, give this link a look:
+1 for Chicago. I would make the time for it, as hard as that is now. We need this.
I can really see AOC as president. She’s already at the minimum age, but I would like to see her take another 5-10 years to learn how to broaden her appeal.
she’s spent her entire career broadening her appeal. She went from progressive, to progressive leaning dem, since she’s been in office.
The point is that she went from waitress to congress in 2 years - a giant achievement that at the same time gives her a “rookie” label. It’s not unreasonable that it will take a few more years to become seasoned enough for the presidency in mainstream voters’ minds.
what do you mean? like get some felonies first?
…just a little kiddie diddlin’ so mossad’s comfortable letting her on the inside track…
but I would like to see her take another 5-10 years to learn how to broaden her appeal.
This kind of “we’re not ready yet” mindset is what lets republicans eat our lunch again and again.
“Broadening appeal” is also dumb as fuck when the candidates that do run routinely get ~30% of the vote. They already don’t have “broad appeal.”
Stop playing into the ruling classes handbooks by giving up before we even begin.
It’s also pretty funny to say that she needs to “broaden her appeal” when she’s already drawing tens of thousands of people without even running a presidential campaign.
We don’t have 5-10 years.
Found the project manager.
we literally have 4 years until the next presidential election. so yeah we do.
4 years < 5-10 years
As to her age, if she can learn to trust wise people around her, she can do much better than an old person with experience who only sees things their own way! For that reason it might be better to run soon if possible, to have the wisdom of Sanders with her. Hopefully there’s other wise people she trusts to mentior/advise her as well.
Her abilities aren’t the issue, the public’s perception is. I don’t think enough people will accept that she’s been on the scene long enough to be president.
I’m pretty excited by this AOC/Sanders team up. I’m sure neither are perfect, and will have ideas that I disagree with. But they both have a strong reputation for sticking up for ordinary people rather than the rich and powerful. And no reputation (that I’m aware of!) for bullying, blathering, giving in to the rich, sexual abuse, or miscellaneous awful behaviour.
And a team up between old and young is a powerful thing. Age brings wisdom, to spot things a young person might miss; and youth brings energy, understanding, and new ideas.
AOC for 2028? Judging by other comments, it seems unlikely. But AOC later? If they stay uncompromised, stick to the values that America wants without getting bogged down in things that divide the country, and gather support organically across the country rather than relying on traditional rich-people-funding, this could be an amazing victory!
I agree she would be amazing, but Bernie won’t be around long enough for that team-up. He’s already a year older than Biden. The Dems need to cultivate a lot more younger politicians. They should have been going hard at this years ago.
and will have ideas that I disagree with.
I honestly think this is code for, “I like what they do, but I hope they don’t raise my taxes.”
Also, “There’s no way they can have solutions that are better than mine!”
Bernie rolled over like a dog for Hillary in 2016, so he does have some marks in giving in to the rich. He himself is also rich, owning multiple million dollar plus homes.
Not trying to be anti-Bernie, he’s great and pushing for great things. I was feeling the Bern back in 2016. But we should always go into things eyes open and as informed as we can be.
He has a net worth of 3 million dollars in his eighties. I get that he isn’t poor but that’s peanuts for someone that was likely getting property for pennies on the dollar compared to what property costs now days. Him having 3 million net worth in his eighties doesn’t make him rich, everyone else in America not having a clear path to have 3 million in net worth to show for their time and effort after a lifetime contributing to society to enjoy or pass on to their dependents or important causes is the failure.
And no reputation (that I’m aware of!) for bullying
Ask Jill Stein about that.
AOC for 2028? Judging by other comments, it seems unlikely.
Well, right now it seems unlikely that Trump will ever leave the White House under any circumstances. I don’t think you properly appreciate what’s going on here. If even a centrist like AOC still makes you go “Hhhmmm, I’m not sure if she’s ready yet…maybe another cycle or two…” while the country dives head-first into fascism, I don’t know what’s going to wake you up. Probably nothing.
Assuming there are real elections in 5-10 years
I want her to start running right now. Fascism is here, we can’t afford to wait.
So do I, but I wouldn’t expect her to win right now. Americans are too lazy to want change but they’ll want to be rescued from collapse. Things have to get a lot worse before enough fence-sitters will listen to her.
Do you think AOC would have a better chance at winning than… kamala harris?
It’s going to get a lot worse.
Assuming we have an election in 2028, it will be bad enough by 2028.
We’ll have an election. North Korea has elections. My fear is we’ll have a Hungarian or Venezuelan style election.
“Amazing! 95% of voters voted to give Donald Trump a third term in office!”
Yeah I meant an election not a show.
Start showing up.
MAGA = Y’all are f✓cking re+ards!
Musk = POS Nazi.