Historical revisionism at work:
The astroid shot first.
At last an Onion article that makes me smile instead of weep for the state of politics being so bad that complete and utter batshit crazy nonsense is so hard to tell from news these days.
I’m not saying I’m on team asteroid…
But when 12.5 percent of the planets of the solar system commits 100% of the violence…
The (solar) system leaves them no other way of life! We need to make opportunities for them to orbit a stable planet and become moons.
Holy fucking shit lmao what a reference
If an asteroid fires a missile and it enters the atmosphere, is the rest of the asteroid considered a meteor?
The probability of an asteroid firing in very low, but never zero.
Which would also stop the asteroid hitting us as it’d move itself off track
Missiles don’t have that amount of kickback unlike guns since their propulsion comes gradually and from themselves.
Or further on course…
If it shoots towards us it will therfore move away from us
If it is on a trajectory past earth and it shoots at us it will slow it down, adjusting the trajectory and potentially hitting earth.
This person Kerbals
The American military industrial complex is salivating right now
Why now?
The US military already has satellites than can drop artificial asteroids onto Earth, causing large localised, hard to detect and prevent damage.
Space has sadly already been weaponised.
Not officially, so one wonders how you got this info?
I mean, ICBMs are basically this, just unlaunched, but I doubt that’s your point.
Interesting phrasing fellow citizen. Did you inform them?
tldw Everyone assumes the US made a secret illegal armed space ship (they did) so almost every other country did too. The US was offended that anyone but them broke the rules but they all had to fight the moon nazis together so no big deal
Yeah, but that’s just what we do.
Rama strikes back
Better get some cold water ready.
Rendezvous this!