Man… I don’t envy the person who has to clean up that man-shaped puddle after he just up and melted.
yes? a common exclamation of frustration. your point?
I think they were referring to “man shaped puddle”, when the picture is more of a puddle shaped puddle.
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Are there any opinions you have that aren’t garbage?
Do you say the same thing to your science teacher at school when they explain something to you?
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Wow what a lousy take from this exchange.
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What are your qualifications for media literacy?
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Hahahahahaha and furthermore hahaha.
She worked in the field they’re discussing. That automatically makes her more qualified than a dipshit shitter looking for internet points by dunking on da wommenz
I don’t think anyone is pretending she is an astrophysicist who’s been to the moon. But she’s qualified 10x over to make the statement she did in her first tweet, which was the whole fucking point.
Then then you come in like “pssh, she’s just a communicator” like that has any barring on her knowing what the fuck she’s talking about.
“Media literacy” lol.
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> calls people media illiterate
> says other people are being too hostileMy god, that was a good laugh.
hey, let me join in too!
Feck, drink, girls! Sorry, late to the party, am I wearing the right clothes?
I was here when the mods silenced the masses
Brad Wentworth? Is that you?
Her first point stands wrt SpaceX. Turning this into a discussion about her experience on the topic makes her point even more valid. Last time I checked people didn’t need to be a nobel laurate in a field to make a valid point.
Yes, but she still probably knows what she is talking about
I worked for NASA and the Space Force …
That “worked for” is doing a lot of heavy lifting, she’s a tiktok influencer lol
Holy shit, a lot of weirdos mad in the comments.
Eh, people don’t like twitter. That’s not weird.
Now you know I was referring to the comments calling her a “space influencer” lol
Don’t take this the wrong way but from the list of achievements she sounds very much a Politician/PR-person/Lobbyist specialized in the area of Space Exploration, not an Engineer or a Scientist.
Still beats Beer-belly Brad by a long distance (probably not hard), but is such a person really worth celebrating in Science Memes?
As long as these types pay attention to what the scientists tell them and explain it to others accurately, they’re helpful
Just because she isn’t a straight engineer or scientist, doesn’t make her expertise less worth it I don’t think. And I would think that would make a very narrow acceptable requirements for this place.
It makes her an expert in advocacy and politics, not science or engineering.
Obviously advocacy expertise is no less worth than engineering expertise or science expertise, just like arts expertise is no less worth than any of that and ditto for plenty of other kinds of expertise in complex areas.
However, the “salesmanship” kinds of expertise are already the some of most widely celebrated and rewarded by present day society, hence my point.
So you’re saying that science _memes should only accept memes from active practicing scientists and engineers with degrees in their own specified fields?
You might want to re-read my posts a couple of time and think about it a bit harder, if the conclusion you derived from what I wrote is that I want to gatekeep the posters.
No need to be rude. Here, since I’m so simple minded and dumb I’ll try to convey as best as I can to one such as yourself. You’re saying she’s an expert in advocacy (how does one become an expert in that?) and politics… or maybe showmanship?, it doesn’t make her an expert in space programs. We should celebrate those people less, and feature actual scientists and engineers more. What I’m saying is that would be a narrow band if we just include people who’s job titles are scientists and engineers, because we are assuming other people in similar expertise fields would not know the original tweets context. If that is off base, my deepest apologies.
It makes her an expert in advocacy and politics, not science or engineering.
Obviously advocacy expertise is no less worth than engineering expertise or science expertise, just like arts expertise is no less worth than any of that and ditto for plenty of other kinds of expertise in complex areas.
However, the “salesmanship” kinds of expertise are already the some of most widely celebrated and rewarded by present day society, hence my point.
Certainly more than “arm chair Monday morning quarter backing”
Here’s the thing, we scientists need our cheerleaders. We spend our time getting good at doing science, so it’s worth it to hire someone who is good at hyping and advocating for our work. Go listen to the recordings of James Webb trying to explain to JFK that we need to do a shit-ton of science before we can get to the moon. JFK just plain doesn’t understand the magnitude of what he’s asking for. He thinks we could do it in 6 months. This lady is our champion.
Silence, blue check.
Bro, put those man tits under a Tshirt cause that looks like a serious burn
nuked from orbit
It’s the only way to be sure.
Ah just some blue check degenerates having a slap fight in the Nazi bar. Yawn.
Between the post and some of the comments, I’m pretty sure we’re on the worst time.
At least, the worst surviving timeline. I’m sure plenty of “worse” timelines have existed that killed off the entirety of the planet.
This is just the worst of what’s left.
The one where we all die is the good timeline, we are going for the torture nexus timeline.
Those Forbes lists like 30 under 30 are a joke though. Not sure why she’s bragging about that.
Yeah really. I read that as “got featured in the magazine known for doing cover shoots of frauds.” Weird flex.
if I were on there I would probably brag about it to some dumbass online too
Coming from someone who’s never been on the 30 under 30
ngl 30 under 30 would feel way more impressive to me if i was on the list too
No… Let 'em burn.
I want Brad so emotionally scarred that every time he goes to tweet some bullshit he has a depression inducing anxiety attack so overwhelming that he has to find the nearest corner to go cry in until exhaustion.
Not to downplay the rest of her accomplishments but can’t you essentially buy your way onto the F30U30 list?
Bro, you can buy the presidency of the United States if you have enough money. So yeah, not what she did, but it is completely posible.
I think so. My sister has been contacted by Forbes that she can pay for a spot on the list. There was a cheaper option for just the nomination.
isn’t a Forbes list the kind of list that buying your way into it proves you belong there?
Dude should just delete his account in a form of internet Harakiri at that point.
Isn’t it seppuku?
One is part of the other
How so?
Harikari = seppuku. They’re even written with the same kanji characters.
Oh, and harikari usually has a helper.
Oh, and harikari usually has a helper.
Other way around. Seppuku is the whole ritual, which includes the helper. But if you just gut yourself out in the woods with no ceremony, it’s harikiri
it’s harikiri
eh, only if it comes from the harikiri region of france tho.
otherwise it’s just sparkling disembowelment.
To really put this to rest:
Harakiri and Seppuku both literally mean abdomen/stomach cutting. Those who know some Japanese may recognize hara from the common phrase hara hetta which means you are hungry (literally, your stomach is decreasing in size or diminishing). Kiri means cut.
腹: hara 切: kiri
Seppuku simply reverses those kanji: 切腹
Why are they pronounced differently? Harakiri is a native Japanese word, using more traditional Japanese pronunciation Seppuku is a borrowing of middle Chinese roots: setsu from Middle Chinese tset meaning to cut, and fuku from Middle Chinese pjuwk, related to modern Mandarin fūk.
So, setsufuku was shortened to seppuku where the Ps represent a glottal stop and skipping of part of the word.
One is the actual disembowelment one is the ritual IIRC
Yes I guess harakiri is the act of disemboweling yourself and seppuku is the ceremony surrounding it.
Not quite but I can see why people think so. Both words stem from the same Kanji pair: 切腹. Cut stomach.
But one is read natively (harakiri) with an informal and colloquial feel to it and the other uses borrowed Chinese pronunciations (seppuku) that makes it sound more formal/ritualistic and so it’s used in official documents. But they mean the same thing and both refer to the ritual.
A similar example is Japan’s own name: 日本. It’s usually read as “nihon” but has a special, formal reading of “nippon”.
I just want a tantō that moans as I commit seppuku.
I named one of our dumber work projects ‘project seppeku’ once. Boss was not amused when someone told him what it meant, but it went undiscovered for longer than I would have imagined, which simultaneosly made me happy and hurt my feelings.
He will just tell her to make him a sandwich and the current Twitter audience will love him for that.