Hrmmm… who wants to be FIRST!? 🥇🏆
Reminds me of Kern river, but the undertow kills people wearing life vests too
I can float on water if I lay on my back…
Hmm… Do you weigh the same as a duck?
What about very small rocks?
Or big metallic ships
Schroedinger’s lifejacket.
Or, they only collect the dead ones from the surface. There’s probably a veritable mountain of lifejacketless corpses on the silt.
You must’ve misread the sign. All the casualties were without lifejacket.
Clearly because the floating corpses were being carried away by birds, so only the sunken ones were left to be found!
#237: Jason Vorhees
If you’re going to go swimming at Crystal Lake, I feel like drowning is the least of your troubles.
Wait where’s the extra one come from?
Must have drowned in a different lake
It could be you! ⛈️
Didn’t read the sign, probably drowning without a life jacket to this day
One of the 237 that didn’t wear life jacket un-drowned or found a jacket during drowning?
Number 237 drowned without lifejacket but wasn’t a person.
Nah, someone put a life jacket on a dead body and threw it inside the lake and it came back to life.
Same as that riddle about people coming back from the moon
237 people swam in the lake without a life jacket. 236 of them drowned.
And 0 people swam in the lake with a life jacket! What an unsuccessful sign!
That guy?
Albert EinsteinMichael Phelps.
One guy needed two
I mean the cast majority of people swimming don’t where life jackets.
I’m embarrassed to confess, but I also don’t wear as life jacket when I swim. Hell, most of the time I prefer to leave the swim suit behind.
Is drowning naked more or less embarrassing than just regular drowning?
There life jackets. There castle.
Generally in lakes it’s more people boating who drown. They are far from shore and can get hurt in a capsize easily
Also having potentially lot of clothing on, making it harder to swim
I feel like pointing out some info that was not known to me at the time it would’ve really been helpful and not knowing it almost lead to my death by drowning as a child: when trying to swim, (some?) shoes can act like “anti-flippers” by increasing the difficulty of moving your feet as quickly and staying afloat past what one might usually be used to and so swimming is really hard. I think it’s because water is pulling against the bottom of the shoe, sort of, at least that’s how it felt. I was like 5-10 yo in a lake and almost drowned before I got to the dock I was swimming to. Another problem was that no one noticed I had gone under and was having trouble getting air. Overall it was traumatic and really probably preventable in several ways, including by not wearing shoes while trying to swim in water, which was my original point.
Edit: although a life jacket would’ve fixed it too
I’ve never free-swam, but when I was a kid (up to early teens, maybe 14?) I had swimming lessons. I was always told the lessons of the waterways, which I vaguely remember now, but one of them was kick off your shoes because they will kill you. We had to recite those back at the start and end of the lessons, what to do if you fell in. Kick off your shoes because they will kill you.
Only lesson I remember, funnily enough.
And also drunk as fuuuuuck.
Especially the ones who drown.
I’d like to make that point.
Well, how was it un-typical?