If the groundhog day loop is infinite - Truman show.
If the groundhog day loop is finite to a degree I wouldn’t run out of media and art in the world, groundhog day.
Probably Groundhog Day. At least everything is genuine, whereas the Truman show is very much staged. Both are hell but at least I have the hope of waking up each day well rested and ready to learn new skills, not sure how the magic works with memory retention though…
Anyone saying Truman is either not thinking it through or has a fetish for being watched.
Only thing bad about groundhog’s day is you can’t die ever (unless you can beat the level of course).
Truman shore sounds kind of awful. Everything you experience is fake.
With infinite time and no consequences literally everything is possible
Except everything which physically takes longer than 24 hours.
Just do 24 hours of it at a time
Groundhog day. Unlimited time for everything. Absolute freedom from consequences. And a possible way out when You get bored.
Assuming you can figure out how to break the curse.
Rules are rules. The post said “Groundhog day” and I know the rules of Groundhog day.
Then, to break the curse you’ll need to find Rita, and make her love you.
Groundhog Day. At first, I’d expect it to be incredibly fun, but then I’d expect a vast loneliness to set in. Nobody can understand your situation, you cannot grow relationships, and everyone else stays the same while you continue to grow. But eventually I expect that you would adjust mentally and settle into a routine, similar to how happiness tends to eventually return to baseline levels after culture shock or a major injury. So, you know, like the movie.
Grounding day. Imagine all the books you could read, and movies and shows to catch up on. Only problem would be gaming. You could never finish one.
I was going to say groundhog day as long as my game save files don’t reset.
Youd probably get into speed running
Can you escape the groundhog day? because if not then truman show hands down.
Am I trapped in an unrelated time loop that I need to learn the rules of to escape, or am I trapped in literal Groundhog Day? because I know how to escape Groundhog Day, and could just have all my fun from a time loop before leaving. If it’s an unrelated time loop… I think I’d prefer Truman Show. It’s creepier, but it has a firm ending point. I can get freedom through death. With a time loop, there’s a serious chance I could be trapped in it forever, unable to find a way to escape, unable to die.
Assuming I wake up in Phil Collins shoes…
If I’m unaware that I’m the main character, then Truman Show.
If I am aware that I’m the MC, but I’m stuck in the Groundhog loop for more than 5 years, then Truman Show.
If I’m aware that I’m the MC, but unaware there’s a condition to break the Groundhog curse, than Truman Show.
If the day involves me waking up in MY bed tomorrow, without knowing there’s a condition to break the curse, then I’m fine with not breaking the curse. I’d actually be pretty pissed off if I broke the curse accidentally.
I am sure you mean Phil Connors, but I would happily be one of the greatest singers of all time, even for a day.
Phil Conners shoes are fine too
I believe the writer of Groundhog Day implied it wasn’t something like 5 years, but more like millennia. https://nationalpost.com/news/10000-years-heres-how-long-phil-connors-was-trapped-in-groundhog-day
Groundhog’s Day so i can punch Ned every morning.
Groundhog Day
Infinite time to do hobbies and no lasting consequences to my actions? Where do I sign up!
Also I viscerally hate the idea of being watched 24/7 so the Truman show would be probably my worst nightmare
As long as the hobby doesn’t involve making something over more than 1 day.
This brings me some more questions tbh
Like how is he remembering the previous loop?
What of him gets sent back?
His brain? His whole body? His thoughts are a product of the chemical and physical state of his brain and body, so gotta be his body to some extent
In the film he’s shown learning not just knowledge but new skills requiring dexterity you assume he doesn’t already possess
Could he work out in the gym and have the physical benefits in the next loop?
I’m starting to think the film might have a couple of plot holes
I’m more concerned about the implication of never breaking the curse.
Would failing to break the curse mean the universe fails to continue?
You would be responsible for the end of time, if so.
Eh, who’s gonna hold me responsible?
Nah, brain includes the whole nervous system. We just forget the brain doesn’t stop in our head.
I’m starting to think the film might have a couple of plot holes
😱😱😱 This masterpiece of intricate world building?! You shut your mouth!
Truman show, as strange as it sounds, to me it offers a greater sense of adventure and a journey of sorts.