We require too much power for it to suffice alone, but it would be nice to have as a hybrid source of energy!
Someone did the math for photosynthetic cows and they would only get about 1% of their energy requirement. It’s not viable.
Cows farm out their photosynthesis to things that have far more surface area than they do.
It’d be nice to have one big leaf on my back that I could use for shade and a snack. Doubles as an umbrella for rain.
Have you considered just carrying a big leaf around?
What about symbiosis with algae
3PS is amazing.
Am I weird in that I actually like the hypnic jerk feeling? It doesnt happen often to me, maybe once every few months. I also like bedspins, used to get them every night as a child/teen. though they rarely happen anymore. It was like my own personal rollercoaster ride!
I’d like someone to at least look into the whole ADHD thing. It’s been going on for some time now without any word on why it’s there, or what it’s for- and aside from funny and relatable memes, it’s yet to provide any positive results.
I’d like to add depression and anxiety to fixing ADHD as an individual can exhibit all three.
This can be split into several patches if necessary.
Absolutely! I just figured that for many, addressing the one will help the others, but yeah… they are their own bugs unto themselves for a lot of people.
Or, like, at least a caffeine gland or something.
Saltwater consumption when???
It’ll be fixed when we starting storing element counts as 64-bit integers (instead of 32-bit).
I think that’s just kidney 2.0 right?
You say that now but wait till you’re sleeping in a tree (to escape the dinosaurs) and start to fall and there’s nothing to wake you! Then you’ll be sorry you wished away that “glitch!”
Add new receptors to be able to feel wetness.
This is it cold or wet thing we have going on is just crappy design.I’d like to request a bug fix: Eyelashes falling into eyeball. Need to fix the physics so they probably spring away or wash out easier.
Maybe just not fall out. Let’s just add a user creetion set-up like a video game. Choose sex, height, weight, legs arms blah blah blah.
Some people would spend 3 hours every morning changing their look, others would always look the same. Some people would be swapping mid activities.
I would have thought eating and breathing from the same hole would have been in this release 😞 guess I’ll just have to wait till 3.0
Wait, you can’t eat and breathe through the same hole?
Trouble is, you can’t not.
They should be dedicated holes for each process
We need to have some process engineers look at the pregnancy and birthing process, there’s much room for improvement. Maybe take a totally new approach to it, it’s just not it.
The engineer solution: back to egg laying, which also fixes menstruation
Agreed, that shits rough on people. Impacts of teeth and post-partum. Yet a funny thing there is that we can tell you down to the day you were impregnated by the growth of the fetus.
Next person. Sir drink this stuff to make you shit your brains out and I’m going to shove my finger in your ass to see if we can get a scope of what your insides are like.
Just divide at a cellular level, nature has already solved this problem! Upstart life forms these days thinking they can reinvent the wheel.
Technically every warm blooded organism is bioluminescent.
I remember a college conversation with a bio major when I said I wished we could just eliminate mosquitos. She said if there were no mosquitoes it would be disastrous because some other thing eats them that gets eaten by some other thing, I don’t remember the details, but essentially it would destroy the whole food chain. I couldn’t help thinking that these bugs etc. would probably eat something else because you know, they would be hungry. Just a couple students with a little bit of knowledge thinking they could conclusively analyze the world. And new here we all are on social media doing the same thing.
I’ve read a while ago that the only vew spiders who occasionally eat them don’t really like them either, because they have low nutritional value. In short, mosquitos are pretty much useless.
Ain’t much meat on 'em.
separated genetalia from waste systems
removed body hair and baldness
fixed acne glitch
added ability to change biological sex, with default neutral configuration
rerouted laryngeal nerve
uterus lining is now reabsorbed automatically
reinforced spine and knees
simplified foot structure
adjusted mental pathways to better adapt to modern environment
For some reason when I read this I read “Reticulating Splines” instead of reinforced spines. I was like wow random sims reference.
I like baldness and body hair! They should be optional too
Smooth on top, rugged in the middle
What’s the laryngeal nerve and what’s wrong with it?
i’m not sure i want to know what the first point would look like, moving either the genitals or the anus sounds horrifying, and i especially don’t want to imagine where penis wielders would urinate or ejaculate from if those functions are separated…
…perhaps we’d do like octopi, reach under and fetch a sperm package that we present instead of a wedding ring? Or maybe let’s just leave it like it is and not create horrors.
Just have us piss from asshole
Turn standing while peeing into an actual skill.
Tfw you accidentally poop in urinal
Birds had it right all along with one waste exit.
I do that already :(
Eat some banana
Are bananas known to help that or something?? I try to eat enough veggies but it still happens. Weirdly sometimes when I eat less veggies it sometimes gets better (but it also sometimes gets worse).
Honestly not sure, but I remember grandma giving me eat banana when I had wet poop to supposedly help
Ur an alcoholic
Edit: or maybe a vegan, idk. I’m an alcoholic so I calls em like I sees em
Since you mentioned that, we should add a auto-sober switch. Suspend drunk button for drive home. Resume until bed, clear drunk as soon as you pass out so you can get a good nights rest.
Let’s also reroute the ulnar nerve, thx
I’d like to be able to alter body hair density based on climate.
Reabsorption of uterine lining is called being “in heat” in dogs and cats. It’s quite common in the animal world, and it makes all the males very rapey.
One of the prevailing theories about why humans pair bond is our males can’t tell when our females are ovulating/menstruating so it’s advantageous to be kinder and stick around for more sex.
TL;DR: I think that’s not a great idea.
added ability to change biological sex
Remove hangovers
Casually forgot about cancer
That’s going to take some time, it’s a kernel bug.
We’ll start storing 3 or 4 copies of data, since 2 doesn’t seem to be enough. An off-site backup would also be nice. (this will only apply to new cells because see below)
Also let’s add an option to re-enable telomerase. An option, because WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE. Some people probably still rely on “dying” behavior.
We’ll start the carcinisation tree in 3.0.
2.0? Bruh, humans are still on pre-v1 beta
Frankly, I don’t know how anyone can look at the absolute shit show that is the human body and go “yup, this was totally intelligently designed”
Apparently a lot of males are still in alpha.
Alpha roll-out for an entire cohort is in-progress.
Unfortunately the alpha roll-out had a major unpached bug causing a complete internal breakdown of the ethics and intelligence processing units in all those updated.
Some hypothesis that as alpha men now have the processing capacity of an ant, they may soon evolve a hive-mind. As this would allow all mental processing to be outsourced to a singular fat orange queen.
Edit: spelling
ironically we may well have been the only somewhat intelligently designed animal for a long time, since there’s a pretty good argument that we’re self-domesticated.
so like, we’re not just a prerelease, we’re a fucking fork of a prerelease